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If you know that testing is for sure a number, you can use stof

If you know that testing is for sure a number, you can use stof. Because you have a vector (1x256), you can create a vector of floats (CV_32F) and then use the Mat constructor that is having as parameter the vector; or use the same syntax as you used: cv::Mat data(1,ATTRIBUTES,CV_32F,;

If you know that testing is for sure a number, you can use stof. Because you have a vector (1x256), you can create a vector of floats (CV_32F) and then use the Mat constructor that is having as parameter the vector; or use the same syntax as you used: cv::Mat data(1,ATTRIBUTES,CV_32F,;used:

`cv::Mat data(1,ATTRIBUTES,CV_32F,;

If you know that testing is for sure a number, you can use stof. Because you have a vector (1x256), you can create a vector of floats (CV_32F) and then use the Mat constructor that is having as parameter the vector; or use the same syntax as you used:

`cv::Mat cv::Mat data(1,ATTRIBUTES,CV_32F,;

If you know that testing is for sure a number, you can use stof. Because you have a vector (1x256), you can create a vector of floats (CV_32F) and then use the Mat constructor that is having as parameter the vector; or use the same syntax as you used:

cv::Mat data(1,ATTRIBUTES,CV_32F,;

better explanation:

std::vector<int> values;
for(int d=0;d<256;d++)
   //testing += '0' + pixelValueArray[d];
   values.push_back(stoi('0' + pixelValueArray[d], NULL, 2));
 cv::Mat data(1,ATTRIBUTES,CV_32F,;

If you know that testing is for sure a number, you can use stof. Because you have a vector (1x256), you can create a vector of floats (CV_32F) and then use the Mat constructor that is having as parameter the vector; or use the same syntax as you used:

cv::Mat data(1,ATTRIBUTES,CV_32F,;

better explanation:

std::vector<int> values;
for(int d=0;d<256;d++)
   //testing += '0' + pixelValueArray[d];
   values.push_back(stoi('0' + pixelValueArray[d], NULL, 2));
 cv::Mat data(1,ATTRIBUTES,CV_32F,;