1 | initial version |
I have writen a function in matlab to write a matrix to a file .yml. after in opencv i read this file!!! Matlab function:
function TH0001_Matlab2OpenCV( variable, fileName, flag)
[rows cols] = size(variable);
% Beware of Matlab's linear indexing
variable = variable';
% Write mode as default
if ( ~exist('flag','var') )
flag = 'w';
if ( ~exist(fileName,'file') || flag == 'w' )
% New file or write mode specified
file = fopen( fileName, 'w');
fprintf( file, '%%YAML:1.0\n');
% Append mode
file = fopen( fileName, 'a');
% Write variable header
fprintf( file, ' %s: !!opencv-matrix\n', inputname(1));
fprintf( file, ' rows: %d\n', rows);
fprintf( file, ' cols: %d\n', cols);
fprintf( file, ' dt: f\n');
fprintf( file, ' data: [ ');
% Write variable data
for i=1:rows*cols
fprintf( file, '%.6f', variable(i));
if (i == rows*cols), break, end
fprintf( file, ', ');
if mod(i+1,4) == 0
fprintf( file, '\n ');
fprintf( file, ']\n');
% call this function in matlab
TH0001_Matlab2OpenCV( img11, 'img01.yml', 'img01');
//======================================================= //Function read file .yml in opencv
cv::Mat LoadDatafromymlfile(char* ymlfilename, char* varriablestring)
cv::Mat temp;
cv::FileStorage fs(ymlfilename, cv::FileStorage::READ);
fs[varriablestring] >> temp;
return temp;
// Call this function
char *filenameyml = "D://img01.yml"; //location of file .yml
cv::Mat img11 = LoadDatafromymlfile(filenameyml, "img11");