1 | initial version |
I have tried to change one color to another, so I have created a class that has these functions:
cv::Mat SolColorChanger::changeColor(const cv::Mat& hsvImageIn)
MatVector hsvChannels;
cv::split(hsvImageIn, hsvChannels);
cv::Mat msk;
cv::bitwise_xor(hsvChannels[0] > m_oldColor - m_deltaColor, hsvChannels[0] < m_oldColor + m_deltaColor, msk);
cv::bitwise_not(msk, msk);
cv::morphologyEx(msk, msk, cv::MORPH_CLOSE, cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3, 5)));
Displayer::displayImage(msk, "color mask", DISPLAY);
hsvChannels[0].setTo(m_newColor, msk);
cv::Mat edited;
cv::merge(hsvChannels, edited);
cv::cvtColor(edited, edited, cv::COLOR_HSV2BGR);
return edited;
void SolColorChanger::execute()
cv::Mat hsv;
cv::cvtColor(m_image2edit, hsv, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);
Displayer::displayImage(m_image2edit, "input image", DISPLAY);
Displayer::displayImage(hsv, "hsv image", DISPLAY);
cv::Mat colored = changeColor(hsv);
Displayer::displayImage(colored, "edited", DISPLAY);
IO::saveImage(colored, m_savingName);
The m_oldColor
is the color to be changed (red, blue, orange, etc. it has a H value); m_newColor
is the new H value
and the m_deltaColor
is the error of hue value. I have not tested on huge images and in a loop to see its performances, so let me now how fast is it, if you test it.