1 | initial version |
for the fun of it, you could try an analytical solution, like:
Mat dx; Sobel(hist,dx,CV_32F,1,0,1); // zeros of the 1st derivative in x are are extremums
but you'd still have to iterate it to check the neighbours for slope, so ...
let's keep it simple: a histogram is a 1d array, and for a a peak value , both neighbour elements have to be <= center.
for (int i=1; i<hist.total()-1; ++i)
float left = hist.at<float>(i-1);
float cent = hist.at<float>(i);
float right = hist.at<float>(i+1);
// we have to set a boundary condition for 'plateaus',
// so just decide to have the 'cutoff' on the left side
if ( left < cent && right <= cent )
// peak !
// bonus track, get the valleys, too !
if ( left > cent && right >= cent )
// valley !
you will still have to think of a way to handle the 1st and last element (which are lacking the neighbour).