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Ok, I've tracked it down, there were two problems:

  • Bad keypoints matching, although it looks quite good on this picture it is awfull on other simple images. I've used ratio test, symetry test, and than RANSAC mask from findFundamentalMatrix to choose good matches.
  • Bad epilines drawing

I've found bug in drawing method and for the second loop in public Mat drawEpiLines(Mat outImg) I've used

Point p1 = new Point(x0+outImg.cols()/2, y0);
Point p2 = new Point(x1+outImg.cols()/2, y1);

so I''ve added outImg.cols()/2 which transposed line for the second image. Results are here: image description

Ok, I've tracked it down, there were two problems:

  • Bad keypoints matching, although it looks quite good on this picture it is awfull on other simple images. I've used ratio test, symetry test, and than RANSAC mask from findFundamentalMatrix to choose good matches.
  • Bad epilines drawing

I've found bug in drawing method and for the second loop in public Mat drawEpiLines(Mat outImg) I've used

Point p1 = new Point(x0+outImg.cols()/2, y0);
Point p2 = new Point(x1+outImg.cols()/2, y1);

so I''ve added outImg.cols()/2 outImg.cols()/2 which transposed line for the second image. Results are here: image description

Ok, I've tracked it down, there were two problems:

  • Bad keypoints matching, although it looks quite good on this picture it is awfull on other simple images. I've used ratio test, symetry test, and than RANSAC mask from findFundamentalMatrix to choose good matches.
  • Bad epilines drawing

I've found bug in drawing method and for the second loop in public Mat drawEpiLines(Mat outImg) I've used

Point p1 = new Point(x0+outImg.cols()/2, y0);
Point p2 = new Point(x1+outImg.cols()/2, y1);

so I''ve I've added outImg.cols()/2 which transposed line for the second image. Results are here: image description