1 | initial version |
Hello. I got similar problem. I read book, tutorials etc and it still don't work. Now I have download latest version of OpenCV (2.4.3). Include to my project ( in include directories) "D:\opencv\build\include\opencv2", "D:\opencv\build\include","D:\opencv\build\include\opencv" and in library directories library path "D:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\lib". And in Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies i add opencv_core243d.lib opencv_imgproc243d.lib opencv_highgui243d.lib opencv_ml243d.lib opencv_video243d.lib opencv_features2d243d.lib opencv_calib3d243d.lib opencv_objdetect243d.lib opencv_contrib243d.lib opencv_legacy243d.lib opencv_flann243d.lib
Now i can compile it. But after i run i got error Canot run this application because can't find opencv_core243d.dll. Reinstall should help.