1 | initial version |
I think I'm using OpenCV as compiler ... In "compiler options" I have OpenCV to compile this piece of code. So is there anything wrong with it? Sorry for asking basic questions.
and honestly the version of OpenCV I'm using is "vc11", this is the version works on my Visual Studio but doesn't work on DEV c++.
What is the best way to sort out the linking error ?
Thanks a lot, S.
These are the errors I get:
2 C:\Users\SaMaN\Documents\opencv_test01.cpp opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp: No such file or directory. 3 C:\Users\SaMaN\Documents\opencv_test01.cpp opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp: No such file or directory. 6 C:\Users\SaMaN\Documents\opencv_test01.cpp highgui.h: No such file or directory.