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getGaborKernel unfortunately is not documented, but filter2d is.

cv::Mat kernel = cv::getGaborKernel(cv::Size(kernel_size,kernel_size), sig, th, lm, gm, ps);
cv::filter2D(src_f, dest, CV_32F, kernel);


getGaborKernel unfortunately is not documented, but filter2d is.

cv::Mat kernel = cv::getGaborKernel(cv::Size(kernel_size,kernel_size), sig, th, lm, gm, ps);
cv::filter2D(src_f, dest, CV_32F, kernel);

(both in opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp)


getGaborKernel unfortunately is not documented, but you create a Gabor Kernel (beware, 3.0 docs only), then use it with filter2d is..

cv::Mat kernel = cv::getGaborKernel(cv::Size(kernel_size,kernel_size), sig, th, lm, gm, ps);
cv::filter2D(src_f, dest, CV_32F, kernel);

(both in opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp)