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initial version

3.0 is pretty much on the move right now, expect more 'surprises' like that.

the content of the nonfree module was moved to another repo


  • either clone the opencv_contrib repo, add -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=<opencv_contrib>/modules to your cmake cmdline, like mentioned in the readme , and recompile the opencv repo, running make install will then copy both the opencv as well as the opencv_contrib headers/libs/so's to your install dir. (if you're building without cuda, you might even need to tweak it)

  • or fall back to 2.4.9 by doing git checkout 2.4 in the opencv repo

3.0 is pretty much on the move right now, expect more 'surprises' like that.

the content of the nonfree module was moved to another repo


  • either clone the opencv_contrib repo, repo, add -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=<opencv_contrib>/modules to your cmake cmdline, like mentioned in the readme , and recompile the opencv repo, running make install will then copy both the opencv as well as the opencv_contrib headers/libs/so's to your install dir. (if you're building without cuda, you might even need to tweak it)

  • or fall back to 2.4.9 by doing git checkout 2.4 in the opencv repo