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I to had a lot of problems compiling OpenCV on my computer with visual studio 2013. Here are general guidelines I wrote. If I missed something please add to it:


A) 64 vs 32 bit conflicts Make sure the $OPENCV_DIR refers to the right version

For example you have two alternatives in OpenCV 2.4.8:
1) D:\OpenCV\opencv\build\x86\vc11     (32 bits)
2) D:\OpenCV\opencv\build\x64\vc11     (64 bits)

Make sure that your project definition is suited to the right bittage.

How can you check/correct this?
-Right click on solution->properties->Configuration Properties->Platform
-Choose either 64/32 bits depending on what you want

How to define $OPENCV_DIR?
click on start -> Right click on "Computer" -> Properties -> Advanced System setting -> Choose "Advanced" tab -> Environment Variables -> Click on "New..." under System Variables -> For Variable Name enter: OPENCV_DIR -> For Variable Value enter relevant build directory.

B) Including header directory: Make sure to add to the configuration Properties of the project: C++->General->Include Additional Directories->$(OPENCV_DIR)....\include

C) Add OpenCV bin folder to: Linker->General->Additional Library Directories->$(OPENCV_DIR)\lib;

D) Add libs's to: Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies->

For debug copy and paste:

For release copy and paste:

E) For runtime make sure that you have the right DLL folder in your Path: e.g. %OPENCV_DIR%\bin