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initial version
Mat New_Previous_Gray (holds the previous image)
Mat New_Current_Gray (holds the current image)
Mat_<Point2f> Optical_Flow;
Ptr<DenseOpticalFlow> tvl1 = createOptFlow_DualTVL1();  
tvl1->calc(New_Previous_Gray, New_Current_Gray, Optical_Flow); 
for(int y = 0; y < Optical_Flow.cols; y++)
   for(int x = 0; x < Optical_Flow.rows; x++)
      const Point2f& flow_xy =<Point2f>(x, y);
      int Vel_x = flow_xy.x;
      int Vel_y = flow_xy.y;
      Pxl_Distance = sqrt(double(((abs(Vel_x) * abs(Vel_x)) + (abs(Vel_y) * abs(Vel_y)))));

so i could get the velocity for every pixel in "Pxl_Distance".

hope this sample code is clear cheers.