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Here some answers to the rumors you 'heard':
Then there exist feature (or descriptor) extractors which typically use the keypoint locations to build a descriptor. There exist two categories of features, binary ones (FREAK, BRISK, ORB, BRIEF) and non-binary ones (SIFT, SURF, MSER). Binary features are typically faster to compute and offer a more compact representation. They are often used in robotics for a fast match. In the case of image retrieval the most common choice is SIFT. A list of supported Features can be found here: http://docs.opencv.org/modules/features2d/doc/common_interfaces_of_descriptor_extractors.html#descriptorextractor-create Typically you can combine any possible keypoint detector and feature extractor of OpenCV (apart from the SIFT detector). However, not each combination makes sense or works as expected. Natural combinations or combinations suggested by the authors of the descriptors are afaik SIFT-SIFT, ORB-ORB, SURF-SURF, BRISK-BRISK, BRISK-FREAK, MSER-MSER, FAST-BRIEF.
For the matchers you have the choice if you want to use the brute-force matcher or the flann based matcher. The latter one is preferable if you have a very large database of features. It creates an index of all features which is then queried. The brute-force matcher in contrast just goes over all features in question and picks the best match. It depends on the dataset and the task you have what you should use (typically BFMatcher is fine). Furthermore you need to take care that if you use a binary feature you should compare them with the Hamming-norm not with the L2 norm.
Good luck with your project!