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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Well, I have compilation working (have not actually run a program yet though.) That said, the inclusion of the lib-irc, imf, and svml libraries seemed to work. I also needed to change the CMake file from looking for the static versions to looking for the .so versions. I am pasting the diff between the original and my modified "OpenCVFindIPP.cmake" file below.

Besides the CMake file, the original IPP search seemed to find a different directory than what was actually needed. I'm not sure what exactly IPP is putting in each directory, but for me it installed both a "composer_xe_2013_sp1" and "composer_xe_2013_sp1.0.080" directory. The cmake found the first directory by default, but the required .so files are only in the .0.080 directory. So I changed the "IPP_H_PATH" using the CMAKE gui.

Hope this helps.

<       set(IPP_LIBRARY_DIRS ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/lib/intel64 PARENT_SCOPE)
>       if(NOT EXISTS ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/../compiler/lib/intel64)
>            message(SEND_ERROR "IPP EM64T libraries not found")
>       endif()
>       set(IPP_LIBRARY_DIRS 
>         ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/lib/intel64 
>         ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/../compiler/lib/intel64
>         PARENT_SCOPE)
click to hide/show revision 2
Added OpenCV version number to answer.

Well, I have compilation working (have not actually run a program yet though.) That said, the inclusion of the lib-irc, imf, and svml libraries seemed to work. I also needed to change the CMake file from looking for the static versions to looking for the .so versions. I am pasting the diff between the original and my modified "OpenCVFindIPP.cmake" file below.

Besides the CMake file, the original IPP search seemed to find a different directory than what was actually needed. I'm not sure what exactly IPP is putting in each directory, but for me it installed both a "composer_xe_2013_sp1" and "composer_xe_2013_sp1.0.080" directory. The cmake found the first directory by default, but the required .so files are only in the .0.080 directory. So I changed the "IPP_H_PATH" using the CMAKE gui.

Hope this helps.helps. I should mention that this is with 2.4.8, not 2.4.7. The problem is a change in IPP though, I believe.

<       set(IPP_LIBRARY_DIRS ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/lib/intel64 PARENT_SCOPE)
>       if(NOT EXISTS ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/../compiler/lib/intel64)
>            message(SEND_ERROR "IPP EM64T libraries not found")
>       endif()
>       set(IPP_LIBRARY_DIRS 
>         ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/lib/intel64 
>         ${IPP_ROOT_DIR}/../compiler/lib/intel64
>         PARENT_SCOPE)