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Just write the values of the pixels directly into the TXT, but you will need to save the size of the mat too (for example first two values)

Mat pic; //for CV_8UC1
FILE *out;
printf("%d %d ",pic.cols,pic.rows);
unsigned char *;
for(int i=0;i<pic.cols*pic.rows;i++)  //for CV_8UC13 the condition is i<pic.cols*pic.rows*3
      printf("%d ",(int)*(ptr_data++); 

I haven't compile that code, but the idea is clear.

Just write the values of the pixels directly into the TXT, but you will need to save the size of the mat too (for example first two values)

Mat pic; //for CV_8UC1
FILE *out;
printf("%d %d ",pic.cols,pic.rows);
unsigned char *;
for(int i=0;i<pic.cols*pic.rows;i++)  //for CV_8UC13 the condition is i<pic.cols*pic.rows*3
      printf("%d ",(int)*(ptr_data++); 

I haven't compile that code, but the idea is clear.