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  • Have you tried your camera without OpenCV? Does it work?
  • Have you tried any other opencv program?

  • For example can you compile, build, run this: opencv_example.cpp from samples ?

  • Try an official program first, like this:

  • Try a very simple program first. Just open cam write "hello" if success, then exit.

I should tell you that I had some issues on windows with OpenCV until I compile OpenCV with a similar tutorial like this:

So I suggest you to build OpenCV on windows first, then try the samples, then write your own first simple program.

Hi,Hi, (I assume, that you are on Windows)

  • Have you tried your camera without OpenCV? Does it work?
  • Have you tried any other opencv program?

  • For example can you compile, build, run this: opencv_example.cpp from samples ?

  • Try an official program first, like this:

  • Try a very simple program first. Just open cam write "hello" if success, then exit.

I should tell you that I had some issues on windows with OpenCV until I compile OpenCV with a similar tutorial like this:

So I suggest you to build OpenCV on windows first, then try the samples, then write your own first simple program.