1 | initial version |
It's possible that you'll need the OpenCV bindings too, not only the libopencv_java.so (never tried, I don't use Java). The best solution would be to check the older package repos for older versions of your distro.
For example, for Debian (Jessie) you can get it from here: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/libopencv2.4-java and https://packages.debian.org/jessie/amd64/libopencv2.4-jni/download
You can also compile it yourself, using the 2.4 branch from Github: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/tree/2.4 Just follow this guide: https://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html
If it helps, you can give the $30 to a charity of your choice :-))
2 | No.2 Revision |
It's possible that you'll need the OpenCV bindings too, not only the libopencv_java.so (never tried, I don't use Java). The best solution would be to check the older package repos for older versions of your distro.
For example, for Debian (Jessie) you can get it the 2.4.9 Java pachages (ARM64 platform) from here: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/libopencv2.4-java and https://packages.debian.org/jessie/amd64/libopencv2.4-jni/download
You can also compile it yourself, using the 2.4 branch from Github: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/tree/2.4 Just follow this guide: https://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html
If it helps, you can give the $30 to a charity of your choice :-))