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sure this should be possible !

caller need to malloc the buffer, make sure the size is big enough

assuming you know width, height, and num_channels, you can prealloc a cv::Mat:

// setup data:
Mat frame(height, width, CV_8UC1); // grayscale, CV_8UC3 for bgr data
long iBuffSize = * frame.elemSize(); // pls check if it fits your expectation !

// acquire image, using Mat::data ptr (uchar as well):
auto res = ASIGetVideoData(iCameraID,, lBuffSize, iWaitms);

// IF it is a 3 channel img, AND it is in RGB order (look it up),
//  you *might* need to convert to BGR (preferred channel order in opencv)
// cvtColor(frame, frame, COLOR_RGB2BGR);

sure this should be possible !

caller need to malloc the buffer, make sure the size is big enough

assuming you know width, height, and num_channels, you can prealloc a cv::Mat:

// setup data:
8bit grayscale, CV_8UC3 for bgr data, CV_16U for 16bit gray
Mat frame(height, width, CV_8UC1); // grayscale, CV_8UC3 for bgr data
 long iBuffSize = * frame.elemSize(); // pls check if it fits your expectation !

// acquire image, using Mat::data ptr (uchar as well):
auto res = ASIGetVideoData(iCameraID,, lBuffSize, iWaitms);

// IF it is a 3 channel img, AND it is in RGB order (look it up),
//  you *might* need to convert to BGR (preferred channel order in opencv)
// cvtColor(frame, frame, COLOR_RGB2BGR);

sure this should be possible !

caller need to malloc the buffer, make sure the size is big enough

assuming you know width, height, and num_channels, the data format, you can prealloc a cv::Mat:

// 8bit grayscale, CV_8UC3 for bgr data, CV_16U for 16bit gray
Mat frame(height, width, CV_8UC1); 
long iBuffSize = * frame.elemSize(); // pls check if it fits !

// acquire image, using Mat::data ptr (uchar as well):
auto res = ASIGetVideoData(iCameraID,, lBuffSize, iWaitms);

// IF it is a 3 channel img, AND it is in RGB order (look it up),
//  you *might* need to convert to BGR (preferred channel order in opencv)
// cvtColor(frame, frame, COLOR_RGB2BGR);

sure this should be possible !

caller need to malloc the buffer, make sure the size is big enough

assuming you know width, height, and the data format, you can prealloc a cv::Mat:

// 8bit grayscale, CV_8UC3 for bgr data, CV_16U for 16bit gray
Mat frame(height, width, CV_8UC1); 
long iBuffSize = * frame.elemSize(); // pls check if it fits !

// acquire image, using Mat::data ptr (uchar as well):
auto res = ASIGetVideoData(iCameraID,, lBuffSize, iWaitms);

// IF it is a 3 channel img, AND it is in RGB order (look it up),
//  you *might* need to convert to BGR (preferred channel order in opencv)
// cvtColor(frame, //cvtColor(frame, frame, COLOR_RGB2BGR);

sure this should be possible !

caller need to malloc the buffer, make sure the size is big enough

assuming you know width, height, and the data format, you can prealloc a cv::Mat:cv::Mat

(it's also a refcounted smartptr, so you don't have to worry about freeing the memory):

// 8bit grayscale, CV_8UC3 for bgr data, CV_16U for 16bit gray
Mat frame(height, width, CV_8UC1); 
long iBuffSize = * frame.elemSize(); // pls check if it fits !

// acquire image, using Mat::data ptr (uchar as well):
auto res = ASIGetVideoData(iCameraID,, lBuffSize, iWaitms);

// IF it is a 3 channel img, AND it is in RGB order (look it up),
//  you *might* need to convert to BGR (preferred channel order in opencv)
//cvtColor(frame, frame, COLOR_RGB2BGR);

sure this should be possible !

caller need to malloc the buffer, make sure the size is big enough

assuming you know width, height, and the data format, you can prealloc a cv::Mat

(it's also a refcounted smartptr, so you don't have to worry about freeing the memory):

// 8bit CV_8U :8bit grayscale, CV_8UC3 for bgr data, :bgr, CV_16U for 16bit :16bit gray
Mat frame(height, width, CV_8UC1); 
long iBuffSize = * frame.elemSize(); // pls check if it fits !

// acquire image, using Mat::data ptr (uchar as well):
auto res = ASIGetVideoData(iCameraID,, lBuffSize, iWaitms);

// IF it is a 3 channel img, AND it is in RGB order (look it up),
//  you *might* need to convert to BGR (preferred channel order in opencv)
//cvtColor(frame, frame, COLOR_RGB2BGR);