![]() | 1 | initial version |
This is the function. Is not well written, is not optimized, but it seems to work. Thanks to berak who helped me understand better the opencv functions.
/// code start
double MahalanobisDistance(cv::Mat& model, cv::Mat& scene) {
std::vector<int> mean(3);
mean[0] = 0;
mean[1] = 0;
mean[2] = 0;
//cv::Mat covar = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV_32F);
std::vector<double> covar, invCovar(9);
int numberOfPixel = model.cols * model.rows;
for (int iter = 0; iter < 9; iter++)
//mean: Sum for each channel
for (int x = 0; x < model.cols; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < model.rows; y++)
//cout << "\n Pixel: " << int(model.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[1]) << " \n";
mean[0] += int(model.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[0]);
mean[1] += int(model.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[1]);
mean[2] += int(model.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[2]);
mean[0] = cvRound(double(mean[0]) / double(numberOfPixel));
mean[1] = cvRound(double(mean[1]) / double(numberOfPixel));
mean[2] = cvRound(double(mean[2]) / double(numberOfPixel));
for (int x = 0; x < model.cols; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < model.rows; y++)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <3; j++)
covar[i * 3 + j] += (int(model.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[i]) - mean[i]) * (int(model.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[j]) - mean[j]);
for (int iter = 0; iter < 9; iter++)
covar[iter] = cvRound(double(covar[iter]) / double(numberOfPixel));
//invert covar
//compute det of A.
double detA = (covar[0] * covar[4] * covar[8]) + (covar[1] * covar[5] * covar[6]) + (covar[2] * covar[3] * covar[7])
- (covar[2] * covar[4] * covar[6]) - (covar[0] * covar[5] * covar[7]) - (covar[8] * covar[3] * covar[1]);
//compute det of minors
std::vector<double> minors(9);
minors[0] = (covar[4] * covar[8]) - (covar[5] * covar[7]);
minors[1] = -((covar[3] * covar[8]) - (covar[5] * covar[6]));
minors[2] = (covar[3] * covar[7]) - (covar[4] * covar[6]);
minors[3] = -((covar[1] * covar[8]) - (covar[2] * covar[7]));
minors[4] = (covar[0] * covar[8]) - (covar[2] * covar[6]);
minors[5] = -((covar[0] * covar[7]) - (covar[1] * covar[6]));
minors[6] = (covar[1] * covar[5]) - (covar[4] * covar[2]);
minors[7] = -((covar[0] * covar[5]) - (covar[2] * covar[3]));
minors[8] = (covar[0] * covar[4]) - (covar[3] * covar[1]);
//transpose and detA
invCovar[0] = minors[0] / detA;
invCovar[1] = minors[3] / detA;
invCovar[2] = minors[6] / detA;
invCovar[3] = minors[1] / detA;
invCovar[4] = minors[4] / detA;
invCovar[5] = minors[7] / detA;
invCovar[6] = minors[2] / detA;
invCovar[7] = minors[5] / detA;
invCovar[8] = minors[8] / detA;
/*std::vector<double> test(9);
test[0] = (covar[0] * invCovar[0]) + (covar[1] * invCovar[3]) + (covar[2] * invCovar[6]);
test[1] = (covar[0] * invCovar[1]) + (covar[1] * invCovar[4]) + (covar[2] * invCovar[7]);
test[2] = (covar[0] * invCovar[2]) + (covar[1] * invCovar[5]) + (covar[2] * invCovar[8]);
test[3] = (covar[3] * invCovar[0]) + (covar[4] * invCovar[3]) + (covar[5] * invCovar[6]);
test[4] = (covar[3] * invCovar[1]) + (covar[4] * invCovar[4]) + (covar[5] * invCovar[7]);
test[5] = (covar[3] * invCovar[2]) + (covar[4] * invCovar[5]) + (covar[5] * invCovar[8]);
test[6] = (covar[6] * invCovar[0]) + (covar[7] * invCovar[3]) + (covar[8] * invCovar[6]);
test[7] = (covar[6] * invCovar[1]) + (covar[7] * invCovar[4]) + (covar[8] * invCovar[7]);
test[8] = (covar[6] * invCovar[2]) + (covar[7] * invCovar[5]) + (covar[8] * invCovar[8]);
for (int iter = 0; iter < 9; iter++)
cout << "covar: " << covar[iter] << " , inverse: " << invCovar[iter] << " , mul: " << test[iter] << "\n";
double MahabDistance = 0.0;
for (int x = 0; x < scene.cols; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < scene.rows; y++)
std::vector<int> Pixel(3);
Pixel[0] = int(scene.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[0]);
Pixel[1] = int(scene.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[1]);
Pixel[2] = int(scene.at<Vec3b>(y, x)[2]);
//cout << "\n Mean: " << mean[0] << " , " << mean[1] << " , " << mean[2] << " \n";
//cout << "Pixel: " << Pixel[0] << " , " << Pixel[1] << " , " << Pixel[2] << " \n";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
//cout << double(Pixel[j] - mean[j]) << " \n";
//cout << invCovar[i * 3 + j] << " \n";
//cout << double(Pixel[i] - mean[i]) << " \n";
MahabDistance += double(Pixel[j] - mean[j]) * invCovar[i * 3 + j] * double(Pixel[i] - mean[i]);
//cout << "M dist (x, y) " << x << y << ": = " << MahabDistance << "\n\n";
MahabDistance = sqrt(MahabDistance);
cout << "M dist: " << " = " << MahabDistance << "\n";
return MahabDistance;
/// code end