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initial version

undefined reference

means, you're not linking some required lib,

(in your case, ALL of the opencv libs are missing from the cmdline !)

try again with:

g++ main.cpp -I/opt/robots/pepper/ctc-linux64-atom- -L/opt/robots/pepper/ctc-linux64-atom- -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc

undefined reference

means, you're not linking some required lib,

(in your case, ALL of the opencv libs are missing from the cmdline !)

try again with:

g++ main.cpp -I/opt/robots/pepper/ctc-linux64-atom- -L/opt/robots/pepper/ctc-linux64-atom- -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc
-lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_videoio

(this should get you through most of the tutorial code)