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initial version

background subtraction needs MANY frames to work on, you may not construct a new instance every time you want to use it. this line:

    BackgroundSubtractorKNN backSub = Video.createBackgroundSubtractorKNN();

should be moved into a "run once" function, like onCameraViewStarted()

have a look here, there''s a java sample, too !

background subtraction needs MANY frames to work on, you may should not construct a new instance every time you want to use it. this line:

    BackgroundSubtractorKNN backSub = Video.createBackgroundSubtractorKNN();

should be moved into a "run once" function, like onCameraViewStarted()

have a look here, there''s a java sample, too !

background subtraction needs MANY frames to work on, learn from, you should not construct a new instance every time you want to use it. this line:

    BackgroundSubtractorKNN backSub = Video.createBackgroundSubtractorKNN();

should be moved into a "run once" function, like onCameraViewStarted()

have a look here, there''s a java sample, too !