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Hi, I've especially for you installed opencv (my configuration the same: win7 64bit vc10 vs2010). All works fine, no problems.

What I've done:

  • downloaded from sourceforge opencv 2.4.2
  • unpacked it (let's say to D:\)
  • created in vs2010 empty console application
  • added include folder "D:\opencv\build\include" (project->properties-> C/C++ ->general->additional include directories)
  • added lib folder "D:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\lib" - as I've created win32 project configuration by default (project->properties->linker->general->additional library directories).

To test this I've, call cvtColor in project. For this stuff you need to:

  • add opencv_core242d.lib and opencv_imgproc242d.lib libs in project (project->properties->linker->input->additional dependencies) - used debug configuration, so "d" - postfix in libs names.

  • put bin files in the solution directory: opencv_core242d.dll and opencv_imgproc242d.dll (from D:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin)

    Now you can run this project.

Hi, I've especially for you installed opencv (my configuration the same: win7 64bit vc10 vs2010). All works fine, no problems.

What I've done:

  • downloaded from sourceforge opencv 2.4.2
  • unpacked it (let's say to D:\)
  • created in vs2010 empty console application
  • added include folder "D:\opencv\build\include" (project->properties-> C/C++ ->general->additional include directories)
  • added lib folder "D:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\lib" - as I've created win32 project configuration by default (project->properties->linker->general->additional library directories).

To test this I've, this, I call cvtColor in the project. For this stuff you need to:

  • add opencv_core242d.lib and opencv_imgproc242d.lib libs in project (project->properties->linker->input->additional dependencies) - used debug configuration, so "d" - postfix in libs names.

  • put bin files in the solution directory: opencv_core242d.dll and opencv_imgproc242d.dll (from D:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin)

    Now you can run this project.