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imho, this is an entirely broken idea.

cascades can only be used for detection, not to discriminate individuals.

before doing any further steps, please readup on machine learning, and recent ideas in face recognition.

imho, this is an entirely broken idea.

cascades can only be used for detection, not to discriminate individuals.

before doing any further steps, please readup on machine learning, and recent ideas in face recognition.

imho, this is an entirely broken idea.

cascades can only be used for detection, not to discriminate individuals.

before doing any further steps, please readup on machine learning, and recent ideas in

opencv's dnn module has nice support for facenet, please have a look at that instead.

imho, this is an entirely broken idea.

cascades can only be used for detection, not to discriminate individuals.

before doing any further steps, please readup on machine learning, and recent ideas in recognition.

opencv's dnn module has nice support for facenet, please have a look at that instead.