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in cmake uou must add on command line (or set checkbox in cmake-gui) -DBUILD_PERF_TESTS:BOOL=ON -DBUILD_TESTS:BOOL=ON

in cmake uou you must add on command line (or set checkbox in cmake-gui) -DBUILD_PERF_TESTS:BOOL=ON -DBUILD_TESTS:BOOL=ON

in cmake you must add on the command line (or set checkbox in cmake-gui) -DBUILD_PERF_TESTS:BOOL=ON -DBUILD_TESTS:BOOL=ON

in cmake you must add on the command line (or set checkbox in cmake-gui) -DBUILD_PERF_TESTS:BOOL=ON -DBUILD_TESTS:BOOL=ON-DBUILD_TESTS:BOOL=ON and rebuild opencv. in build repo you will be able to find opencv_perf* or opencv_test executable

in cmake you must add on the command line (or set checkbox in cmake-gui) -DBUILD_PERF_TESTS:BOOL=ON -DBUILD_TESTS:BOOL=ON and rebuild opencv. in In build repo you will be able to find opencv_perf* or opencv_test opencv_test* executable