1 | initial version |
use mu (m.mu00) instead of u20 and it will improve your results
example angle if (m.mu20 - m.mu02 != 0) { theta=1/2.0atan(2m.mu11/(m.mu20-m.mu02)); int s = (1 - sign(m.mu20 - m.mu02))signm.mu11); theta += sacos(-1.0)/4; } else if m.mu11>0) theta =acos(-1.0)/4; else theta =-acos(-1.0)/4; if (theta<0) theta += 2*acos(-1.0);
2 | No.2 Revision |
use mu (m.mu00) instead of u20 and it will improve your results
example angle
if (m.mu20 - m.mu02 != 0)
3 | No.3 Revision |
use mu (m.mu00) instead of u20 and it will improve your results
example angle
if (m.mu20 - m.mu02 != 0)
int s = (1 - sign(m.mu20 - m.mu02))*signm.mu11);
theta += s*acos(-1.0)/4;
else if m.mu11>0)
theta =acos(-1.0)/4;
theta =-acos(-1.0)/4;
if (theta<0)
theta += 2*acos(-1.0);
4 | No.4 Revision |
use mu (m.mu00) (m.mu00) instead of u20 and it will improve your results
example angle
if (m.mu20 - m.mu02 != 0)
int s = (1 - sign(m.mu20 - m.mu02))*signm.mu11);
theta += s*acos(-1.0)/4;
else if (m.mu11>0)
theta =acos(-1.0)/4;
theta =-acos(-1.0)/4;
if (theta<0)
theta += 2*acos(-1.0);
5 | No.5 Revision |
use mu (m.mu00) instead of u20 and it will improve your results
example angle
if (m.mu20 - m.mu02 != 0)
int s = (1 - sign(m.mu20 - m.mu02))*signm.mu11);
theta += s*acos(-1.0)/4;
else if (m.mu11>0)
theta =acos(-1.0)/4;
theta =-acos(-1.0)/4;
if (theta<0)
theta += 2*acos(-1.0);