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Hello, i forgot to finish this example.. thanks for the hints @dkurt . I just made the modifications to the network. The trick is to find the correct size for the "Interp" Layers (using the opencv Interp Layer with 1 Input).

As in the example, the size of the layer "hourglass_1/lower_3/res" must be given as parameter, in that case would be:

layer {
  name: "hourglass_1/upper_4/interp"
  type: "Interp"
  bottom: "hourglass_1/lower_4_3/res"
  # bottom: "hourglass_1/lower_3/res"  Now we don't need it with explicit output sizes
  top: "hourglass_1/upper_4/interp"
  interp_param {
    width:  8 ---> Size of "hourglass_1/lower_3/res" layer
    height: 8

The same process is applied to all the "Interp" layers.