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initial version

indeed, there are no java samples, but something like this should get you started:

Tracker tracker = TrackerKCF.create();

// later:
Rect2d roi = new Rect2d(11,12,100,100);
tracker.init(image, roi);

// then:
boolean ok = tracker.update(image, roi);
// if it returns false (object lost), you have to create a new Tracker, with a new ROI

indeed, there are no java samples, but something like this should get you started:

import org.opencv.tracking.*;

Tracker tracker = TrackerKCF.create();

// later:
Rect2d roi = new Rect2d(11,12,100,100);
tracker.init(image, roi);

// then:
boolean ok = tracker.update(image, roi);
// if it returns false (object lost), you have to create a new Tracker, with a new ROI

indeed, there are no java samples, but something like this should get you started:

import org.opencv.tracking.*;

Tracker tracker = TrackerKCF.create();

// later:
Rect2d roi = new Rect2d(11,12,100,100);
tracker.init(image, roi);

// then:
boolean ok = tracker.update(image, roi);
// if it returns false (object lost), you have to create a new Tracker, with a new ROI