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  1. Have you tried flag CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH in imread function? As far as I know it should be present in order to read 16-bit image properly (although I didn't tried it myself so I am not sure that it actually does what it should).

  2. Are you sure that when you accessing values you are not casting the them to unsigned char by mistake?

  1. Have you tried flag CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH in imread function? As far as I know it should be present in order to read 16-bit image properly (although I didn't tried it myself so I am not sure that it actually does what it should).

  2. Are you sure that when you accessing values you are not casting the them to unsigned char by mistake?


Ok, to narrow the search for the problem try following code. I checked that it works properly on my computer:

Mat test1(1000, 1000, CV_16U, Scalar(400));
imwrite("test.tiff", test1);
Mat test2 = imread("stam.tiff", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH);
cout << test1.depth() << " " << test2.depth() << endl;
cout <<<unsigned short>(0,0) << endl;