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There is also the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to do image classification. There is C++ code: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_image_classification
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There is also the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to do image classification. There is C++ code: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_image_classification
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as a question/answer. Thank you.
![]() | 3 | No.3 Revision |
There is also the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to do image classification. There is C++ code: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_image_classification
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as a question/answer. an answer to your own question. Thank you.
![]() | 4 | No.4 Revision |
There is also the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to do image classification. There is C++ code: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_image_classification
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
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There is also the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to do image classification. There is C++ code: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_image_classification
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
Anyway, you're going to need to train the network. Do you have a collection of cat and dog pictures? If so, please share them somewhere, like on GitHub.
![]() | 6 | No.6 Revision |
There is also the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to do image classification. There is C++ code: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_image_classification
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
Anyway, you're going to need to train the network. Do you have a collection of cat and dog pictures? If so, please share them somewhere, like on GitHub.GitHub. If not, I would suggest Caltech 256: it's an image repository. It has dog pictures, as well as leopard pictures. http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/Caltech256/
![]() | 7 | No.7 Revision |
There is also the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to do image classification. There is C++ code: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_image_classification
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
Anyway, you're going to need to train the network. Do you have a collection of cat and dog pictures? If so, please share them somewhere, like on GitHub. If not, I would suggest Caltech 256: it's an image repository. database. It has dog pictures, as well as leopard pictures. http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/Caltech256/
![]() | 8 | No.8 Revision |
There is also the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to do image classification. There is C++ code: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_image_classification
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
Anyway, you're going to need to train the network. Do you have a collection of cat and dog pictures? If so, please share them somewhere, like on GitHub. GitHub, and I will write a tutorial code. If not, you don't have a collection of cat and dog pictures, I would suggest Caltech 256: it's an image database. 256. It has dog pictures, as well as leopard pictures. http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/Caltech256/
![]() | 9 | No.9 Revision |
There is also the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network to do image classification. There is C++ code: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_image_classification
There is also this example of solving for the XOR problem, if the image classification code is too complicated for your first try: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_xor
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
Anyway, you're going to need to train the network. Do you have a collection of cat and dog pictures? If so, please share them somewhere, like on GitHub, and I will write a tutorial code. If you don't have a collection of cat and dog pictures, I would suggest Caltech 256. It has dog pictures, as well as leopard pictures. http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/Caltech256/
![]() | 10 | No.10 Revision |
There is also the code for the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network Network, to do image classification. There is C++ code: https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_image_classificationclassification:
There is also this example of solving for the XOR problem, if the https://github.com/sjhalayka/opencv_ann_image_cat_dog
The code uses your cat and dog image classification code is too complicated for your first try:
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
Anyway, you're going to need to train the network. Do you have a collection of cat and dog pictures? If so, please share them somewhere, like on GitHub, and I will write a tutorial code. If you don't have a collection of cat and dog pictures, I would suggest Caltech 256. It has dog pictures, as well as leopard pictures. http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/Caltech256/
![]() | 11 | No.11 Revision |
There is the code for the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network, to do image classification:
The code uses your cat and dog image database.database. The code is written in Python and C++.
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
![]() | 12 | No.12 Revision |
There is the code for the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network, to do image classification:
The code uses your cat and dog image database. The code is written in Python and C++.C++. The problem -- and it affects both the Python and C++ versions -- is that the predictor acts like a pseudorandom coin toss. If you figure out why it does that, please let me know.
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
![]() | 13 | No.13 Revision |
There is the code for the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network, to do image classification:
The code uses your cat and dog image database. The code is written in Python and C++. The problem -- and it affects both the Python and C++ versions -- is that the predictor acts like a pseudorandom coin toss. If you figure out why it does that, please let me know.The problem is that the pictures are ambiguous. Try getting mugshots of cats and dogs instead of these ambiguous pictures.
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
![]() | 14 | No.14 Revision |
There is the code for the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network, to do image classification:
The code uses your cat and dog image database. The code is written in Python and C++. The problem -- and it affects both the Python and C++ versions -- is that the predictor acts like a pseudorandom coin toss. The problem is that the pictures are ambiguous. ambiguous, with lots of extraneous detail. Try getting mugshots of cats and dogs instead of these ambiguous pictures.
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
![]() | 15 | No.15 Revision |
There is the code for the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network, to do image classification:
The code uses your cat and dog image database. The code is written in Python and C++. The problem -- and it affects both the Python and C++ versions -- is that the predictor acts like a pseudorandom coin toss. The problem is that the pictures are ambiguous, with lots of extraneous detail. detail on top of that. Try getting mugshots of cats and dogs instead of these ambiguous pictures.instead.
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html
![]() | 16 | No.16 Revision |
There is the code for the OpenCV Multi Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network, to do image classification:
The code uses your cat and dog image database. The code is written in Python and C++. The problem -- and it affects both the Python and C++ versions -- is that the predictor acts like a pseudorandom coin toss. The problem is that the pictures are ambiguous, with lots of extraneous detail on top of that. Try getting mugshots of cats and dogs instead.
If you learn SVM and k-NN, you are encouraged to please post your code as an answer to your own question. Thank you.
I found this re: SVM https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.1/d1/d73/tutorial_introduction_to_svm.html