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if you wanted to reduce the size(length) of your hog features, you have to do a projection with the eigenvectors from the PCA, not use the eigenvectors themselves.

// assuming, you have 1000 hog vectors, each with a length of 200:
Mat hogvecs(1000, 200, CV_32F);

// do the PCA, and retain only 50 eigenvecs:
PCA pca(hogvecs, Mat(), PCA::DATA_AS_ROW,  50);

// equivalent to: (hogvecs-mean) * eigenvecs
Mat reduced = pca.project(hogvecs);

cout << reduced.size() << endl;
// [50x1000]

so, it still has 1000 features, and we shortened the length of the features from 200 to 50.

if you wanted to reduce the size(length) of your hog features, you have to do a projection with the eigenvectors from the PCA, not use the eigenvectors themselves.

// assuming, you have 1000 hog vectors, each with a length of 200:
Mat hogvecs(1000, 200, CV_32F);

// do the PCA, and retain only 50 eigenvecs:
PCA pca(hogvecs, Mat(), PCA::DATA_AS_ROW,  50);

// equivalent to: (hogvecs-mean) * eigenvecs
Mat reduced = pca.project(hogvecs);

cout << reduced.size() << endl;
// [50x1000]

so, it still has 1000 features, and we shortened the length of the features from 200 to 50.