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Hi, Whilst I don't have results for interpolation type CV_INTER_AREA, as I only have results from the standard performance tests which don't include this interpolation type. I can highlight a few things to be aware of.

  1. The CPU resize operations are fast because they are highly optimized using Intel IPP's.
  2. I know this is obvious but the performance gain will depend on which CPU and GPU you are using and how they compare in performance to each other.
  3. The performance increase from the CPU to the GPU is highly dependent on the image type, interpolation method, scale, and to a lesser extent on the image size. Below is an image showing the speedup in the resize operation when going from an i5_6500 to a 1060(less than half as powerful as a single P100).The original image size is 1080p and the scale is 0.5. As you can see there is a speed increase of 6.27 when resizing a 1080p by 0.5 using INTER_LINEAR, for CV_32F BGR images, however there is no speed up at all for CV_8U, Gray images. image description
  4. You are using streams, without any synchronization therefore I don't think your timing function is working as you expect. I would try timing without streams to start with or include cudaDeviceSynchronize() after d_src.upload(src,stream); and cuda::resize(d_src, d_dst, Size(400, 400),0,0, CV_INTER_AREA,stream); to ensure that you are only timing the resize operation.

I hope this points you in the right direction.