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So I have continued my installation and finished it (I corrected the problem mentioned above in adding "DEFINE_GUID" line).

Now, I'm trying to reuse opencv_createsamples file and this time I have another problem (that's the one from my first post). (I don't know if I should better open new topic for each new question but I will continue with this one).

I use this command on Cygwin :

opencv_createsamples -img 1a000.pgm -num 2 -bg negative.dat -vec samples.vec -maxxangle 0.6 -maxyangle 0 -maxzangle 0.3 -maxidev 100 -bgcolor 0 -bgthresh 0 -w 20 -h 20

I also read :

Info file name: (NULL)

Img file name: 1a000.pgm

Vec file name: samples.vec

BG file name: negative.dat

Num: 2

BG color: 0

BG threshold: 0

Invert: FALSE

Max intensity deviation: 100

Max x angle: 0.6

Max y angle: 0

Max z angle: 0.3

Show samples: FALSE

Width: 20

Height: 20

Create training samples from single image applying distortions...

And so, a .vec file is created but it is empty - its size is 0 byte. I have find on some other forums people with same kind of problem but unfortunately with no solutions.

For your information, the negative.dat is only composed of three pictures (this file is only to test, I have in fact more pictures) :


And I have tried with two other configurations as :




With still same result.

Thanks in advance for your help.
