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@AyushP123, I guess a first question is how to save the graph at least to load it in TensorFlow again? Because you need to find a way to restore it. There is some way to do it:

-- Save

# Save a graph definition (once)
tf.train.write_graph(sess.graph.as_graph_def(), "", "graph.pb")

# Weights initialization

# Training

# Save a checkpoint (weights only, no graph definition)
saver = tf.train.Saver(), 'tmp.ckpt')

-- Freeze (merge graph definition with weights, remove training-only nodes)

python ~/tensorflow/tensorflow/python/tools/ \
  --input_graph=graph.pb \
  --input_checkpoint=tmp.ckpt \
  --output_graph=frozen_graph.pb \

Only after these steps you might load frozen_graph.pb contains both graph definition and weights using OpenCV.