![]() | 1 | initial version |
Ok, here is the code I would use. It takes 16x16 pixel subimages and calculates the Haralick features for each subimage. Then, it displays the repartition of a given feature on the dest image.
Mat im=imread("lena.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //!!!! GLCM works ONLY on grayscale images
Mat dest(im.rows,im.cols,CV_64F);
for(int y=8;y<im.rows-8;y++)
for(int x=8;x<im.cols-8;x++){
Mat subimg=Mat(img,Rect(x-8,y-8,16,16)); //take a 16x16 subimage
double feature=GLCM(subimg); //get the energy (or other feature) for this window
You have to change the GLCM fuction:
double GLCM(Mat &image)
return energy; //or any other feature
I didn't check all the GLCM code, but as I said, there is a bug in the energy calculation:
double asm=0; //angular second moment
for (int i = 0; i<256; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<256; j++)
asm = asm + gl.at<float>(i, j)*gl.at<float>(i, j); //!!!!!
energy=sqrt(asm); //!!!!!
As I said earlier, it's also a good idea to reduce the number of gray levels to 16 for much faster calculation.
Also note that the gl
matrix is integer type, not float.