![]() | 1 | initial version |
if you have compiled OpenCV with contrib modules you can use cv::plot::Plot2d
i made some modification on your code and get the following graph for lena.jpg
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/plot.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
void glcm(const Mat img, vector<double> &vec_energy)
float energy = 0, contrast = 0, homogenity = 0, IDM = 0, entropy = 0, mean1 = 0;
int row = img.rows, col = img.cols;
cv::Mat gl = cv::Mat::zeros(256, 256, CV_32FC1);
//creating glcm matrix with 256 levels,radius=1 and in the horizontal direction
for (int i = 0; i<row; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<col - 1; j++)
gl.at<float>(img.at<uchar>(i, j), img.at<uchar>(i, j + 1)) = gl.at<float>(img.at<uchar>(i, j), img.at<uchar>(i, j + 1)) + 1;
// normalizing glcm matrix for parameter determination
gl = gl + gl.t();
gl = gl / sum(gl)[0];
for (int i = 0; i<256; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<256; j++)
energy = gl.at<float>(i, j)*gl.at<float>(i, j);
//finding parameters
contrast = contrast + (i - j)*(i - j)*gl.at<float>(i, j);
homogenity = homogenity + gl.at<float>(i, j) / (1 + abs(i - j));
if (i != j)
IDM = IDM + gl.at<float>(i, j) / ((i - j)*(i - j)); //Taking k=2;
if (gl.at<float>(i, j) != 0)
entropy = entropy - gl.at<float>(i, j)*log10(gl.at<float>(i, j));
mean1 = mean1 + 0.5*(i*gl.at<float>(i, j) + j*gl.at<float>(i, j));
/* for (int i = 0; i<256; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<256; j++)
cout << a[i][j] << "\t";
cout << endl;
cout << "energy=" << energy << endl;
cout << "contrast=" << contrast << endl;
cout << "homogenity=" << homogenity << endl;
cout << "IDM=" << IDM << endl;
cout << "entropy=" << entropy << endl;
cout << "mean=" << mean1 << endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Mat img = cv::imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
if (img.empty())
cout << "can not load " << argv[1];
return 1;
imshow("Image", img);
vector<double> vec_energy;
glcm(img, vec_energy); //call to glcm function
Mat mat_energy = Mat(vec_energy);
Mat plot_result;
Ptr<plot::Plot2d> plot = plot::Plot2d::create(mat_energy);
imshow("plot", plot_result);
return 0;
![]() | 2 | No.2 Revision |
if you have compiled OpenCV with contrib modules you can use cv::plot::Plot2d
i made some modification on your code and get the following graph for lena.jpg
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/plot.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
void glcm(const Mat img, vector<double> &vec_energy)
float energy = 0, contrast = 0, homogenity = 0, IDM = 0, entropy = 0, mean1 = 0;
int row = img.rows, col = img.cols;
cv::Mat gl = cv::Mat::zeros(256, 256, CV_32FC1);
//creating glcm matrix with 256 levels,radius=1 and in the horizontal direction
for (int i = 0; i<row; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<col - 1; j++)
gl.at<float>(img.at<uchar>(i, j), img.at<uchar>(i, j + 1)) = gl.at<float>(img.at<uchar>(i, j), img.at<uchar>(i, j + 1)) + 1;
// normalizing glcm matrix for parameter determination
gl = gl + gl.t();
gl = gl / sum(gl)[0];
for (int i = 0; i<256; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<256; j++)
energy = gl.at<float>(i, j)*gl.at<float>(i, j);
//finding parameters
contrast = contrast + (i - j)*(i - j)*gl.at<float>(i, j);
homogenity = homogenity + gl.at<float>(i, j) / (1 + abs(i - j));
if (i != j)
IDM = IDM + gl.at<float>(i, j) / ((i - j)*(i - j)); //Taking k=2;
if (gl.at<float>(i, j) != 0)
entropy = entropy - gl.at<float>(i, j)*log10(gl.at<float>(i, j));
mean1 = mean1 + 0.5*(i*gl.at<float>(i, j) + j*gl.at<float>(i, j));
/* for (int i = 0; i<256; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<256; j++)
cout << a[i][j] << "\t";
cout << endl;
cout << "energy=" << energy << endl;
cout << "contrast=" << contrast << endl;
cout << "homogenity=" << homogenity << endl;
cout << "IDM=" << IDM << endl;
cout << "entropy=" << entropy << endl;
cout << "mean=" << mean1 << endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Mat img = cv::imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
if (img.empty())
cout << "can not load " << argv[1];
return 1;
imshow("Image", img);
vector<double> vec_energy;
glcm(img, vec_energy); //call to glcm function
Mat mat_energy = Mat(vec_energy);
Mat plot_result;
Ptr<plot::Plot2d> plot = plot::Plot2d::create(mat_energy);
imshow("plot", plot_result);
return 0;
if you don't have plot module installed you can use
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
namespace cv
namespace plot
//! @addtogroup plot
//! @{
class CV_EXPORTS_W Plot2d : public Algorithm
CV_WRAP virtual void setMinX(double _plotMinX) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setMinY(double _plotMinY) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setMaxX(double _plotMaxX) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setMaxY(double _plotMaxY) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotLineWidth(int _plotLineWidth) = 0;
* @brief Switches data visualization mode
* @param _needPlotLine if true then neighbour plot points will be connected by lines.
* In other case data will be plotted as a set of standalone points.
CV_WRAP virtual void setNeedPlotLine(bool _needPlotLine) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotLineColor(Scalar _plotLineColor) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotBackgroundColor(Scalar _plotBackgroundColor) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotAxisColor(Scalar _plotAxisColor) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotGridColor(Scalar _plotGridColor) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotTextColor(Scalar _plotTextColor) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotSize(int _plotSizeWidth, int _plotSizeHeight) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setShowGrid(bool needShowGrid) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setShowText(bool needShowText) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void setGridLinesNumber(int gridLinesNumber) = 0;
* @brief Sets the index of a point which coordinates will be printed on the top left corner of the plot (if ShowText flag is true).
* @param pointIdx index of the required point in data array.
CV_WRAP virtual void setPointIdxToPrint(int pointIdx) = 0;
CV_WRAP virtual void render(OutputArray _plotResult) = 0;
* @brief Creates Plot2d object
* @param data \f$1xN\f$ or \f$Nx1\f$ matrix containing \f$Y\f$ values of points to plot. \f$X\f$ values
* will be equal to indexes of correspondind elements in data matrix.
CV_WRAP static Ptr<Plot2d> create(InputArray data);
* @brief Creates Plot2d object
* @param dataX \f$1xN\f$ or \f$Nx1\f$ matrix \f$X\f$ values of points to plot.
* @param dataY \f$1xN\f$ or \f$Nx1\f$ matrix containing \f$Y\f$ values of points to plot.
CV_WRAP static Ptr<Plot2d> create(InputArray dataX, InputArray dataY);
//! @}
namespace cv
namespace plot
using namespace std;
class Plot2dImpl : public Plot2d
Plot2dImpl(InputArray plotData)
Mat _plotData = plotData.getMat();
//if the matrix is not Nx1 or 1xN
if (_plotData.cols > 1 && _plotData.rows > 1)
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "ERROR: Plot data must be a 1xN or Nx1 matrix.\n");
CV_Assert(_plotData.type() == CV_64F);
//in case we have a row matrix than needs to be transposed
if (_plotData.cols > _plotData.rows)
_plotData = _plotData.t();
plotDataY = _plotData;
plotDataX = plotDataY * 0;
for (int i = 0; i<plotDataY.rows; i++)
plotDataX.at<double>(i, 0) = i;
//calling the main constructor
plotHelper(plotDataX, plotDataY);
Plot2dImpl(InputArray plotDataX_, InputArray plotDataY_)
Mat _plotDataX = plotDataX_.getMat();
Mat _plotDataY = plotDataY_.getMat();
//f the matrix is not Nx1 or 1xN
if ((_plotDataX.cols > 1 && _plotDataX.rows > 1) || (_plotDataY.cols > 1 && _plotDataY.rows > 1))
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "ERROR: Plot data must be a 1xN or Nx1 matrix.\n");
CV_Assert(_plotDataX.type() == CV_64F && _plotDataY.type() == CV_64F);
//in case we have a row matrix than needs to be transposed
if (_plotDataX.cols > _plotDataX.rows)
_plotDataX = _plotDataX.t();
if (_plotDataY.cols > _plotDataY.rows)
_plotDataY = _plotDataY.t();
plotHelper(_plotDataX, _plotDataY);
//set functions
void setMinX(double _plotMinX)
plotMinX = _plotMinX;
plotMinX_plusZero = _plotMinX;
void setMaxX(double _plotMaxX)
plotMaxX = _plotMaxX;
plotMaxX_plusZero = _plotMaxX;
void setMinY(double _plotMinY)
plotMinY = _plotMinY;
plotMinY_plusZero = _plotMinY;
void setMaxY(double _plotMaxY)
plotMaxY = _plotMaxY;
plotMaxY_plusZero = _plotMaxY;
void setPlotLineWidth(int _plotLineWidth)
plotLineWidth = _plotLineWidth;
void setNeedPlotLine(bool _needPlotLine)
needPlotLine = _needPlotLine;
void setPlotLineColor(Scalar _plotLineColor)
plotLineColor = _plotLineColor;
void setPlotBackgroundColor(Scalar _plotBackgroundColor)
plotBackgroundColor = _plotBackgroundColor;
void setPlotAxisColor(Scalar _plotAxisColor)
plotAxisColor = _plotAxisColor;
void setPlotGridColor(Scalar _plotGridColor)
plotGridColor = _plotGridColor;
void setPlotTextColor(Scalar _plotTextColor)
plotTextColor = _plotTextColor;
void setPlotSize(int _plotSizeWidth, int _plotSizeHeight)
if (_plotSizeWidth > 400)
plotSizeWidth = _plotSizeWidth;
plotSizeWidth = 400;
if (_plotSizeHeight > 300)
plotSizeHeight = _plotSizeHeight;
plotSizeHeight = 300;
void setShowGrid(bool _needShowGrid)
needShowGrid = _needShowGrid;
void setShowText(bool _needShowText)
needShowText = _needShowText;
void setGridLinesNumber(int _gridLinesNumber)
if (_gridLinesNumber <= 0)
_gridLinesNumber = 1;
gridLinesNumber = _gridLinesNumber;
void setPointIdxToPrint(int _cursorPos)
if (_cursorPos >= plotDataX.rows || _cursorPos < 0)
_cursorPos = plotDataX.rows - 1;
cursorPos = _cursorPos;
//render the plotResult to a Mat
void render(OutputArray _plotResult)
//create the plot result
_plotResult.create(plotSizeHeight, plotSizeWidth, CV_8UC3);
plotResult = _plotResult.getMat();
int NumVecElements = plotDataX.rows;
Mat InterpXdata = linearInterpolation(plotMinX, plotMaxX, 0, plotSizeWidth, plotDataX);
Mat InterpYdata = linearInterpolation(plotMinY, plotMaxY, 0, plotSizeHeight, plotDataY);
//Find the zeros in image coordinates
Mat InterpXdataFindZero = linearInterpolation(plotMinX_plusZero, plotMaxX_plusZero, 0, plotSizeWidth, plotDataX_plusZero);
Mat InterpYdataFindZero = linearInterpolation(plotMinY_plusZero, plotMaxY_plusZero, 0, plotSizeHeight, plotDataY_plusZero);
int ImageXzero = (int)InterpXdataFindZero.at<double>(NumVecElements, 0);
int ImageYzero = (int)InterpYdataFindZero.at<double>(NumVecElements, 0);
double CurrentX = plotDataX.at<double>(cursorPos, 0);
double CurrentY = plotDataY.at<double>(cursorPos, 0);
drawAxis(ImageXzero, ImageYzero, CurrentX, CurrentY, plotAxisColor, plotGridColor);
if (needPlotLine)
//Draw the plot by connecting lines between the points
Point p1;
p1.x = (int)InterpXdata.at<double>(0, 0);
p1.y = (int)InterpYdata.at<double>(0, 0);
for (int r = 1; r<InterpXdata.rows; r++)
Point p2;
p2.x = (int)InterpXdata.at<double>(r, 0);
p2.y = (int)InterpYdata.at<double>(r, 0);
line(plotResult, p1, p2, plotLineColor, plotLineWidth, 8, 0);
p1 = p2;
for (int r = 0; r<InterpXdata.rows; r++)
Point p;
p.x = (int)InterpXdata.at<double>(r, 0);
p.y = (int)InterpYdata.at<double>(r, 0);
circle(plotResult, p, 1, plotLineColor, plotLineWidth, 8, 0);
Mat plotDataX;
Mat plotDataY;
Mat plotDataX_plusZero;
Mat plotDataY_plusZero;
const char * plotName;
//dimensions and limits of the plot
int plotSizeWidth;
int plotSizeHeight;
double plotMinX;
double plotMaxX;
double plotMinY;
double plotMaxY;
double plotMinX_plusZero;
double plotMaxX_plusZero;
double plotMinY_plusZero;
double plotMaxY_plusZero;
int plotLineWidth;
bool needShowGrid;
bool needShowText;
int gridLinesNumber;
int cursorPos;
//colors of each plot element
Scalar plotLineColor;
Scalar plotBackgroundColor;
Scalar plotAxisColor;
Scalar plotGridColor;
Scalar plotTextColor;
//the final plot result
Mat plotResult;
//flag which enables/disables connection of plotted points by lines
bool needPlotLine;
void plotHelper(Mat _plotDataX, Mat _plotDataY)
plotDataX = _plotDataX;
plotDataY = _plotDataY;
int NumVecElements = plotDataX.rows;
plotDataX_plusZero = Mat::zeros(NumVecElements + 1, 1, CV_64F);
plotDataY_plusZero = Mat::zeros(NumVecElements + 1, 1, CV_64F);
for (int i = 0; i<NumVecElements; i++) {
plotDataX_plusZero.at<double>(i, 0) = plotDataX.at<double>(i, 0);
plotDataY_plusZero.at<double>(i, 0) = plotDataY.at<double>(i, 0);
double MinX;
double MaxX;
double MinY;
double MaxY;
double MinX_plusZero;
double MaxX_plusZero;
double MinY_plusZero;
double MaxY_plusZero;
needPlotLine = true;
//Obtain the minimum and maximum values of Xdata
minMaxLoc(plotDataX, &MinX, &MaxX);
//Obtain the minimum and maximum values of Ydata
minMaxLoc(plotDataY, &MinY, &MaxY);
//Obtain the minimum and maximum values of Xdata plus zero
minMaxLoc(plotDataX_plusZero, &MinX_plusZero, &MaxX_plusZero);
//Obtain the minimum and maximum values of Ydata plus zero
minMaxLoc(plotDataY_plusZero, &MinY_plusZero, &MaxY_plusZero);
//setting the min and max values for each axis
plotMinX = MinX;
plotMaxX = MaxX;
plotMinY = MinY;
plotMaxY = MaxY;
plotMinX_plusZero = MinX_plusZero;
plotMaxX_plusZero = MaxX_plusZero;
plotMinY_plusZero = MinY_plusZero;
plotMaxY_plusZero = MaxY_plusZero;
//setting the default size of a plot figure
setPlotSize(600, 400);
//setting the default plot line size
//setting default colors for the different elements of the plot
setPlotAxisColor(Scalar(0, 0, 255));
setPlotGridColor(Scalar(255, 255, 255));
setPlotBackgroundColor(Scalar(0, 0, 0));
setPlotLineColor(Scalar(0, 255, 255));
setPlotTextColor(Scalar(255, 255, 255));
void drawAxis(int ImageXzero, int ImageYzero, double CurrentX, double CurrentY, Scalar axisColor, Scalar gridColor)
if (needShowText)
drawValuesAsText(0, ImageXzero, ImageYzero, 10, 20);
drawValuesAsText(0, ImageXzero, ImageYzero, -20, 20);
drawValuesAsText(0, ImageXzero, ImageYzero, 10, -10);
drawValuesAsText(0, ImageXzero, ImageYzero, -20, -10);
drawValuesAsText((format("X_%d = ", cursorPos) + "%g").c_str(), CurrentX, 0, 0, 40, 20);
drawValuesAsText((format("Y_%d = ", cursorPos) + "%g").c_str(), CurrentY, 0, 20, 40, 20);
//Horizontal X axis and equispaced horizontal lines
int LineSpace = cvRound(plotSizeHeight / (float)gridLinesNumber);
int TraceSize = 5;
drawLine(0, plotSizeWidth, ImageYzero, ImageYzero, axisColor);
if (needShowGrid)
for (int i = -plotSizeHeight; i<plotSizeHeight; i = i + LineSpace) {
if (i != 0) {
int Trace = 0;
while (Trace<plotSizeWidth) {
drawLine(Trace, Trace + TraceSize, ImageYzero + i, ImageYzero + i, gridColor);
Trace = Trace + 2 * TraceSize;
//Vertical Y axis
drawLine(ImageXzero, ImageXzero, 0, plotSizeHeight, axisColor);
LineSpace = cvRound(LineSpace * (float)plotSizeWidth / plotSizeHeight);
if (needShowGrid)
for (int i = -plotSizeWidth; i<plotSizeWidth; i = i + LineSpace) {
if (i != 0) {
int Trace = 0;
while (Trace<plotSizeHeight) {
drawLine(ImageXzero + i, ImageXzero + i, Trace, Trace + TraceSize, gridColor);
Trace = Trace + 2 * TraceSize;
Mat linearInterpolation(double Xa, double Xb, double Ya, double Yb, Mat Xdata) {
Mat Ydata = Xdata * 0;
for (int i = 0; i<Xdata.rows; i++) {
double X = Xdata.at<double>(i, 0);
Ydata.at<double>(i, 0) = int(Ya + (Yb - Ya)*(X - Xa) / (Xb - Xa));
if (Ydata.at<double>(i, 0)<0)
Ydata.at<double>(i, 0) = 0;
return Ydata;
void drawValuesAsText(double Value, int Xloc, int Yloc, int XMargin, int YMargin) {
char AxisX_Min_Text[20];
double TextSize = 1;
sprintf(AxisX_Min_Text, "%g", Value);
Point AxisX_Min_Loc;
AxisX_Min_Loc.x = Xloc + XMargin;
AxisX_Min_Loc.y = Yloc + YMargin;
putText(plotResult, AxisX_Min_Text, AxisX_Min_Loc, FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, TextSize, plotTextColor, 1, 8);
void drawValuesAsText(const char *Text, double Value, int Xloc, int Yloc, int XMargin, int YMargin) {
char AxisX_Min_Text[20];
int TextSize = 1;
sprintf(AxisX_Min_Text, Text, Value);
Point AxisX_Min_Loc;
AxisX_Min_Loc.x = Xloc + XMargin;
AxisX_Min_Loc.y = Yloc + YMargin;
putText(plotResult, AxisX_Min_Text, AxisX_Min_Loc, FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, TextSize, plotTextColor, 1, 8);
void drawLine(int Xstart, int Xend, int Ystart, int Yend, Scalar lineColor) {
Point Axis_start;
Point Axis_end;
Axis_start.x = Xstart;
Axis_start.y = Ystart;
Axis_end.x = Xend;
Axis_end.y = Yend;
line(plotResult, Axis_start, Axis_end, lineColor, plotLineWidth, 8, 0);
Ptr<Plot2d> Plot2d::create(InputArray _plotData)
return Ptr<Plot2dImpl>(new Plot2dImpl(_plotData));
Ptr<Plot2d> Plot2d::create(InputArray _plotDataX, InputArray _plotDataY)
return Ptr<Plot2dImpl>(new Plot2dImpl(_plotDataX, _plotDataY));
void glcm(const Mat img, vector<double> &vec_energy)
float energy = 0, contrast = 0, homogenity = 0, IDM = 0, entropy = 0, mean1 = 0;
int row = img.rows, col = img.cols;
cv::Mat gl = cv::Mat::zeros(256, 256, CV_32FC1);
//creating glcm matrix with 256 levels,radius=1 and in the horizontal direction
for (int i = 0; i<row; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<col - 1; j++)
gl.at<float>(img.at<uchar>(i, j), img.at<uchar>(i, j + 1)) = gl.at<float>(img.at<uchar>(i, j), img.at<uchar>(i, j + 1)) + 1;
// normalizing glcm matrix for parameter determination
gl = gl + gl.t();
gl = gl / sum(gl)[0];
for (int i = 0; i<256; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<256; j++)
energy = gl.at<float>(i, j)*gl.at<float>(i, j);
//finding parameters
contrast = contrast + (i - j)*(i - j)*gl.at<float>(i, j);
homogenity = homogenity + gl.at<float>(i, j) / (1 + abs(i - j));
if (i != j)
IDM = IDM + gl.at<float>(i, j) / ((i - j)*(i - j)); //Taking k=2;
if (gl.at<float>(i, j) != 0)
entropy = entropy - gl.at<float>(i, j)*log10(gl.at<float>(i, j));
mean1 = mean1 + 0.5*(i*gl.at<float>(i, j) + j*gl.at<float>(i, j));
/* for (int i = 0; i<256; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<256; j++)
cout << a[i][j] << "\t";
cout << endl;
cout << "energy=" << energy << endl;
cout << "contrast=" << contrast << endl;
cout << "homogenity=" << homogenity << endl;
cout << "IDM=" << IDM << endl;
cout << "entropy=" << entropy << endl;
cout << "mean=" << mean1 << endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Mat img = cv::imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
if (img.empty())
cout << "can not load " << argv[1];
return 1;
imshow("Image", img);
vector<double> vec_energy;
glcm(img, vec_energy); //call to glcm function
Mat mat_energy = Mat(vec_energy);
Mat plot_result;
Ptr<plot::Plot2d> plot = plot::Plot2d::create(mat_energy);
imshow("plot", plot_result);
return 0;