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groupRectangles() or SimilarRects will help you

for more information see this

groupRectangles() or SimilarRects will help you

for more information see this

there is a similar question, also take a look at it

groupRectangles() or SimilarRects will help you

for more information see this

there is a similar question, also take a look at it

end finally here you can find an explanation in detail how to do it.

groupRectangles() or SimilarRects will help you

for more information see this

there is a similar question, also take a look at it

end finally here you can find an explanation in detail how to do it.

for simple solution, you can try using erosion before your process

Mat gray = new Mat();

//like the line below 
Imgproc.erode(capturedFrame, gray, new Mat(),Point(-1,-1),10);

Imgproc.cvtColor(gray, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY);

groupRectangles() or SimilarRects will help you

for more information see this and take a look at similar question on

in addition,

there is a similar question, also take a look at it maybe interesting

end finally here you can find an explanation in detail how to do it.

for simple solution, you can try using erosion before your process

Mat gray = new Mat();

//like the line below 
Imgproc.erode(capturedFrame, gray, new Mat(),Point(-1,-1),10);

Imgproc.cvtColor(gray, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY);