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If you have :

Ptr<Tracker> tracker = TrackerGOTURN::create();

then when you call init method model goturn.prototxt is loaded here and goturn.caffemodel is loaded here. File are loaded using ifstream. I don't know linux but I think it is default directory where is your executable file.

You can check using a ifstream at the beginning of your program and try to load goturn.prototxt

If you have :

Ptr<Tracker> tracker = TrackerGOTURN::create();

then when you call init method model goturn.prototxt is loaded here and goturn.caffemodel is loaded here. File are loaded using ifstream. I don't know linux but I think it is default directory where is your executable file.

You can check using a ifstream at the beginning of your program and try to load goturn.prototxt

When file problem is solved may be you will get this error.

If you have :

Ptr<Tracker> tracker = TrackerGOTURN::create();

then when you call init method model goturn.prototxt is loaded here and goturn.caffemodel is loaded here. File are loaded using ifstream. I don't know linux but I think it is default directory where is your executable file.

You can check using a ifstream at the beginning of your program and try to load goturn.prototxt

When file problem is solved may be you will get this error.

my basic program to test :

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
#include <opencv2/tracking.hpp>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

struct ParamRect {
    int rctEnCours;
    Rect r;
    Mat img;
    Mat result;
    String nomFenetre;

void DefRectangle(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *userData)
    ParamRect *pgc = (ParamRect*)userData;
    if (pgc->img.empty())
    if (flags == EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON)
        if (pgc->rctEnCours == 0)
            pgc->r.x = x;
            pgc->r.y = y;
            pgc->r.width = 0;
            pgc->r.height = 0;
            pgc->rctEnCours = 1;
        else if (pgc->rctEnCours == 1)
            Point tl = pgc->, br = pgc->;
            if (x != pgc->r.x)
                if (x < pgc->r.x)
                    pgc->r.x = x;
                    pgc->r.width = br.x - x - 1;
                    pgc->r.width = x - tl.x - 1;

            if (y != pgc->r.y)
                if (y < pgc->r.y)
                    pgc->r.y = y;
                    pgc->r.height = br.y - y - 1;
                    pgc->r.height = y - tl.y - 1;

            if (pgc-> > pgc->img.size().width)
                pgc->r.width = pgc->img.size().width - pgc->r.x;
            if (pgc-> > pgc->img.size().height)
                pgc->r.height = pgc->img.size().height - pgc->r.y;
    if (event == EVENT_LBUTTONUP && pgc->rctEnCours == 1)
        pgc->rctEnCours = 0;
    if ((flags&EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON) != 0 && (flags & EVENT_FLAG_CTRLKEY) != 0)
        pgc->r.x = x;
        pgc->r.y = y;
    Mat img = pgc->img.clone();
    rectangle(img, pgc->r, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
    imshow(pgc->nomFenetre, img );

int main()
        std::ifstream fs("goturn.prototxt", std::ifstream::in); 
        if (fs.is_open()) 
            cout << "WIN"; 
            cout << "LOST";
    Ptr<Tracker> tracker = TrackerGOTURN::create();
    // Open the video file
    VideoCapture capture("g:/lib/opencv/samples/data/Megamind.avi");

    if (!capture.isOpened())
        return 1;

    bool stop(false);
    ParamRect pgc;
    pgc.rctEnCours = 0;
    Mat frame; //current video frame
    pgc.nomFenetre = "Extracted Frame";
    int delay = 10;

    setMouseCallback(pgc.nomFenetre, DefRectangle, &pgc);

    cout << capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);
//    capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO, 0.5);
    pgc.r= Rect(200, 150, 40, 40);
    int i=0;
    capture >> pgc.img;
    capture >> pgc.img;
    capture >> pgc.img;
    Rect2d r;
    int code = 0;
    while (code != 'g')
        code =waitKey();
    while (!stop)
        if (tracker->update(pgc.img, r))
            rectangle(pgc.img, r, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 1);
            imshow(pgc.nomFenetre, pgc.img);
        code = waitKey(delay);
        if (pgc.img.empty())
            stop = true;



If you have :

Ptr<Tracker> tracker = TrackerGOTURN::create();

then when you call init method model goturn.prototxt is loaded here and goturn.caffemodel is loaded here. File are loaded using ifstream. I don't know linux but I think it is default directory where is your executable file.

You can check using a ifstream at the beginning of your program and try to load goturn.prototxt

When file problem is solved may be you will get this error.

my basic program to test :

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
#include <opencv2/tracking.hpp>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

struct ParamRect {
    int rctEnCours;
    Rect r;
    Mat img;
    Mat result;
    String nomFenetre;

void DefRectangle(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *userData)
    ParamRect *pgc = (ParamRect*)userData;
    if (pgc->img.empty())
    if (flags == EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON)
        if (pgc->rctEnCours == 0)
            pgc->r.x = x;
            pgc->r.y = y;
            pgc->r.width = 0;
            pgc->r.height = 0;
            pgc->rctEnCours = 1;
        else if (pgc->rctEnCours == 1)
            Point tl = pgc->, br = pgc->;
            if (x != pgc->r.x)
                if (x < pgc->r.x)
                    pgc->r.x = x;
                    pgc->r.width = br.x - x - 1;
                    pgc->r.width = x - tl.x - 1;

            if (y != pgc->r.y)
                if (y < pgc->r.y)
                    pgc->r.y = y;
                    pgc->r.height = br.y - y - 1;
                    pgc->r.height = y - tl.y - 1;

            if (pgc-> > pgc->img.size().width)
                pgc->r.width = pgc->img.size().width - pgc->r.x;
            if (pgc-> > pgc->img.size().height)
                pgc->r.height = pgc->img.size().height - pgc->r.y;
    if (event == EVENT_LBUTTONUP && pgc->rctEnCours == 1)
        pgc->rctEnCours = 0;
    if ((flags&EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON) != 0 && (flags & EVENT_FLAG_CTRLKEY) != 0)
        pgc->r.x = x;
        pgc->r.y = y;
    Mat img = pgc->img.clone();
    rectangle(img, pgc->r, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
    imshow(pgc->nomFenetre, img );

int main()
        std::ifstream fs("goturn.prototxt", std::ifstream::in); 
        if (fs.is_open()) 
            cout << "WIN"; 
            cout << "LOST";
    Ptr<Tracker> tracker = TrackerGOTURN::create();
    // Open the video file
    VideoCapture capture("g:/lib/opencv/samples/data/Megamind.avi");

    if (!capture.isOpened())
        return 1;

    bool stop(false);
    ParamRect pgc;
    pgc.rctEnCours = 0;
    Mat frame; //current video frame
    pgc.nomFenetre = "Extracted Frame";
    int delay = 10;

    setMouseCallback(pgc.nomFenetre, DefRectangle, &pgc);

    cout << capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);
//    capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO, 0.5);
    pgc.r= Rect(200, 150, 40, 40);
    int i=0;
    capture >> pgc.img;
    capture >> pgc.img;
    capture >> pgc.img;
    Rect2d r;
    int code = 0;
    while (code != 'g')
        capture >> pgc.img;
        Mat img = pgc.img.clone();
        rectangle(img, pgc.r, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
        imshow(pgc.nomFenetre, img);
        code =waitKey();
    while (!stop)
        if (tracker->update(pgc.img, r))
            rectangle(pgc.img, r, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 1);
            imshow(pgc.nomFenetre, pgc.img);
        code = waitKey(delay);
        if (pgc.img.empty())
            stop = true;



If you have :

Ptr<Tracker> tracker = TrackerGOTURN::create();

then when you call init method model goturn.prototxt is loaded here and goturn.caffemodel is loaded here. File are loaded using ifstream. I don't know linux but I think it is default directory where is your executable file.

You can check using a ifstream at the beginning of your program and try to load goturn.prototxt

When file problem is solved may be you will get this error.

my basic program to test :

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
#include <opencv2/tracking.hpp>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

struct ParamRect {
    int rctEnCours;
    Rect r;
    Mat img;
    Mat result;
    String nomFenetre;

void DefRectangle(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *userData)
    ParamRect *pgc = (ParamRect*)userData;
    if (pgc->img.empty())
    if (flags == EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON)
        if (pgc->rctEnCours == 0)
            pgc->r.x = x;
            pgc->r.y = y;
            pgc->r.width = 0;
            pgc->r.height = 0;
            pgc->rctEnCours = 1;
        else if (pgc->rctEnCours == 1)
            Point tl = pgc->, br = pgc->;
            if (x != pgc->r.x)
                if (x < pgc->r.x)
                    pgc->r.x = x;
                    pgc->r.width = br.x - x - 1;
                    pgc->r.width = x - tl.x - 1;

            if (y != pgc->r.y)
                if (y < pgc->r.y)
                    pgc->r.y = y;
                    pgc->r.height = br.y - y - 1;
                    pgc->r.height = y - tl.y - 1;

            if (pgc-> > pgc->img.size().width)
                pgc->r.width = pgc->img.size().width - pgc->r.x;
            if (pgc-> > pgc->img.size().height)
                pgc->r.height = pgc->img.size().height - pgc->r.y;
    if (event == EVENT_LBUTTONUP && pgc->rctEnCours == 1)
        pgc->rctEnCours = 0;
    if ((flags&EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON) != 0 && (flags & EVENT_FLAG_CTRLKEY) != 0)
        pgc->r.x = x;
        pgc->r.y = y;

int main()
        std::ifstream fs("goturn.prototxt", std::ifstream::in); 
        if (fs.is_open()) 
            cout << "WIN"; 
            cout << "LOST";
    Ptr<Tracker> tracker = TrackerGOTURN::create();
    // Open the video file
    VideoCapture capture("g:/lib/opencv/samples/data/Megamind.avi");

    if (!capture.isOpened())
        return 1;

    bool stop(false);
    ParamRect pgc;
    pgc.rctEnCours = 0;
    Mat frame; //current video frame
    pgc.nomFenetre = "Extracted Frame";
    int delay = 10;

    setMouseCallback(pgc.nomFenetre, DefRectangle, &pgc);

    cout << capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);
//    capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO, 0.5);
    pgc.r= Rect(200, 150, 40, 40);
    int i=0;
    Rect2d r;
    int code = 0;
    capture >> pgc.img;
    capture >> pgc.img;
    capture >> pgc.img;
    while (code != 'g')
        capture >> pgc.img;
        Mat img = pgc.img.clone();
        rectangle(img, pgc.r, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
        imshow(pgc.nomFenetre, img);
        code =waitKey(10);
    while (!stop)
        if (tracker->update(pgc.img, r))
            rectangle(pgc.img, r, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 1);
            imshow(pgc.nomFenetre, pgc.img);
        code = waitKey(delay);
        if (pgc.img.empty())
            stop = true;

