1 | initial version |
simple proportion ? you might use 0..100% as int
range than scale it to your float range.
You can also choose the resolution value using a code like below
struct myData {
double thMin = 0.00001;
double thMax = 0.001;
double resolution = thMin / 2.0;
double Range(){ return thMax - thMin; }
int Ticks() { return cvRound(Range()/resolution); };
int thInt = cvRound(Ticks() / 2.0); // start at 50%
void onTrackBar(int , void* userData)
myData* pdata = (myData*)userData;
double thFloat = pdata->thInt * pdata->Range() / pdata->Ticks();
thFloat += pdata->thMin;
//std::cout << cv::format("threshold: %0.5f", thFloat) << endl;
std::cout << "threshold:" << thFloat << endl;
void main()
myData data;
static const char * winName = "MyWindow";
cv::createTrackbar("Threshold", winName, &(data.thInt), data.Ticks(), onTrackBar, &data);
onTrackBar(0, &data);
cv::waitKey(0); // press a key on window
if you like 0..100% use int Ticks() { return 100; };
2 | No.2 Revision |
simple proportion ? you might use 0..100% as int
range than scale it to your float range.
You can also choose the resolution value using a code like below
struct myData {
double thMin = 0.00001;
double thMax = 0.001;
double resolution = thMin / 2.0;
double Range(){ return thMax - thMin; }
int Ticks() { return cvRound(Range()/resolution); cvRound(Range() / resolution); };
int thInt tbValue = cvRound(Ticks() / 2.0); // start at 50%
double Value(){
return thMin + tbValue * Range() / Ticks();
void onTrackBar(int , onTrackBar(int, void* userData)
myData* pdata = (myData*)userData;
double thFloat = pdata->thInt * pdata->Range() / pdata->Ticks();
thFloat += pdata->thMin;
//std::cout << cv::format("threshold: %0.5f", thFloat) << endl;
std::cout << "threshold:" << thFloat << endl;
void main()
myData data;
static const char * winName = "MyWindow";
cv::createTrackbar("Threshold", winName, &(data.thInt), &(data.tbValue), data.Ticks(), onTrackBar, &data);
onTrackBar(0, &data);
cv::waitKey(0); cv::waitKey(1); // press a key on window
... put your code here ...
if you like 0..100% use int Ticks() { return 100; };
double th = data.Value();// 0.00001;
Other tips:
Use std::vector<Point> S
instead of Mat S(0, 2, CV_32SC1);
and simply S.push_back(Point(i, j))
To checks whether a rectangle contains a point use Rec::contains:
Rect checkRect(Point(430, 285), Point(285, 315));
if (checkRect.contains(Point(i, j)))
cout << "louis89" << endl;
3 | No.3 Revision |
simple proportion ? you might use 0..100% as int
range than scale it to your float range.
You can also choose the resolution value using a code like below
struct myData {
double thMin = 0.00001;
double thMax = 0.001;
double resolution = thMin / 2.0;
double Range(){ return thMax - thMin; }
int Ticks() { return cvRound(Range() / resolution); };
int tbValue = cvRound(Ticks() / 2.0); // start at 50%
double Value(){
return thMin + tbValue * Range() / Ticks();
void onTrackBar(int, void* userData)
myData* pdata = (myData*)userData;
double thFloat = pdata->Value();
//std::cout << cv::format("threshold: %0.5f", thFloat) << endl;
std::cout << "threshold:" << thFloat << endl;
void main()
myData data;
static const char * winName = "MyWindow";
cv::createTrackbar("Threshold", winName, &(data.tbValue), data.Ticks(), onTrackBar, &data);
onTrackBar(0, &data);
cv::waitKey(1); // press a key on window
... put your code here ...
if you like 0..100% use int Ticks() { return 100; };
double th = data.Value();// 0.00001;
* THREAD UN-SAFE * Using trackbar to change a shared var fails in thread safety. Production grade application must use locks or other concurrency control.
Other tips:
Use std::vector<Point> S
instead of Mat S(0, 2, CV_32SC1);
and simply S.push_back(Point(i, j))
To checks whether a rectangle contains a point use Rec::contains:
Rect checkRect(Point(430, 285), Point(285, 315));
if (checkRect.contains(Point(i, j)))
cout << "louis89" << endl;
4 | No.4 Revision |
simple proportion ? you might use 0..100% as int
range than scale it to your float range.
You can also choose the resolution value using a code like below
struct myData {
double thMin = 0.00001;
double thMax = 0.001;
double resolution = thMin / 2.0;
double Range(){ return thMax - thMin; }
int Ticks() { return cvRound(Range() / resolution); };
int tbValue = cvRound(Ticks() / 2.0); // start at 50%
double Value(){
return thMin + tbValue * Range() / Ticks();
void onTrackBar(int, void* userData)
myData* pdata = (myData*)userData;
double thFloat = pdata->Value();
//std::cout << cv::format("threshold: %0.5f", thFloat) << endl;
std::cout << "threshold:" << thFloat << endl;
void main()
myData data;
static const char * winName = "MyWindow";
cv::createTrackbar("Threshold", winName, &(data.tbValue), data.Ticks(), onTrackBar, &data);
onTrackBar(0, &data);
cv::waitKey(1); // press a key on window
... put your code here ...
if you like 0..100% use int Ticks() { return 100; };
double th = data.Value();// 0.00001;
Using trackbar to change a shared var fails in thread safety. Production grade application must use locks or other concurrency control.
Other tips:other tips
Use std::vector<Point> S
instead of Mat S(0, 2, CV_32SC1);
and simply S.push_back(Point(i, j))
To checks whether a rectangle contains a point use Rec::contains:
Rect checkRect(Point(430, 285), Point(285, 315));
if (checkRect.contains(Point(i, j)))
cout << "louis89" << endl;
5 | No.5 Revision |
simple proportion ? you might use 0..100% as int
range than scale it to your float range.
You can also choose the resolution value using a code like below
struct myData {
double thMin = 0.00001;
double thMax = 0.001;
double resolution = thMin / 2.0;
double Range(){ return thMax - thMin; }
int Ticks() { return cvRound(Range() / resolution); };
int tbValue = cvRound(Ticks() / 2.0); // start at 50%
double Value(){
return thMin + tbValue * Range() / Ticks();
void onTrackBar(int, void* userData)
myData* pdata = (myData*)userData;
double thFloat = pdata->Value();
//std::cout << cv::format("threshold: %0.5f", thFloat) << endl;
std::cout << "threshold:" << thFloat << endl;
void main()
myData data;
static const char * winName = "MyWindow";
cv::createTrackbar("Threshold", winName, &(data.tbValue), data.Ticks(), onTrackBar, &data);
onTrackBar(0, &data);
cv::waitKey(1); // press a key on window
... put your code here ...
if you like 0..100% use int Ticks() { return 100; };
double th = data.Value();// 0.00001;
Using trackbar to change a shared var fails in thread safety. Production grade application must use locks or other concurrency control.
other tips
Use std::vector<Point> S
instead of Mat S(0, 2, CV_32SC1);
and simply S.push_back(Point(i, j))
To checks whether a rectangle contains a point use Rec::contains:
Rect checkRect(Point(430, 285), Point(285, 315));
if (checkRect.contains(Point(i, j)))
cout << "louis89" << endl;