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I still can't run the "train_HOG.cpp" file. What images does that need? Does it only work with a specific size? I tried png images 64x128.

I also tried another programm and could generate a trained file (*.yaml), is this the right file extension? The file looks as follows:

cvHOGClassifier: !!opencv-object-detector-hog
   winSize: [ 64, 128 ]
   blockSize: [ 16, 16 ]
   blockStride: [ 8, 8 ]
   cellSize: [ 8, 8 ]
   nbins: 9
   derivAperture: 1
   winSigma: 4.
   histogramNormType: 0
   L2HysThreshold: 2.0000000000000001e-01
   gammaCorrection: 1
   nlevels: 64
   signedGradient: 0
   SVMDetector: [ 2.09888332e-02, 1.40957851e-02, 9.92207229e-03,....