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if you train your SVM on HOG features, you need those for the prediction, too. (not the actual images)

public static void test() {
    Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread(new File(FILE_TEST).getAbsolutePath(),0);
    HOGDescriptor d = new HOGDescriptor(new Size(32, 16), new Size(8, 8), new Size(4, 4), new Size(4, 4), 9);
    Mat descriptors = new Mat();
    d.compute(img, descriptors);

if you train your SVM on HOG features, you need those for the prediction, too. (not the actual images)

public static void test() {
    Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread(new File(FILE_TEST).getAbsolutePath(),0);
    HOGDescriptor d = new HOGDescriptor(new Size(32, 16), new Size(8, 8), new Size(4, 4), new Size(4, 4), 9);
    Mat descriptors = new Mat();
    d.compute(img, descriptors);

last: please make sure, that your test images have the same size as your train images, so your hog descriptors have same size too, for train & test.