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There is several stanges/issues/bugs in your code:

  1. Why when you create QImage you pass 4-th argument as Mat.step()? To create QImage you should provide the number of bytes per line. So the calls should be:

    QImage qoriginal((const uchar*),original.cols,original.rows,original.cols*3,QImage::Format_RGB888);
    QImage qgray((const uchar*),gray.cols,gray.rows,gray.cols,QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
  2. Qimage could be created from the raw data only if raw data is continuous, so you need to check:

     if(original.isContinuous() && gray.isContinuous()) {
         // create QImages
  3. Update your opencv version to the last one

  4. Use QPainter to draw QImage on the QWidget instead of QLabel with QPixmap, research of how to here