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File video is at 25 fps It means in this frame time sampling is : 0s 0.04s 0.08s 0.12s 0.16s : no frame at 0.1s

If you want to read only frame at a given time that's not possible because your file is compressed :

when you compress a text file is it possible to read only the 1017 character without reading previous all file

when you compress an image in jpeg is it possible to read only pixel at row 10 and column 17

Answer to your question is that's not possible.

Now if you want a frame at time=0.1s you have to decide a criteria :

  1. frame at 0.1s is frame is nearest frame in time before 0.1( example 0.08s)
  2. frame at 0.1s is frame is nearest frame in time after 0.1( example 0.12s)
  3. frame at 0.1s is frame is weighted frameof nearest frame in time ( mean 0.08 and 0.12)
  4. .....
  5. use ffmpeg to resample

of course you can repeat process fot 0.1 0.2 0.3...