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if you want to use CUDA you have to clone opencv repo too and build opencv using cmake There is no CUDA in pre-built binaries of OpenCV 3.2

VS 2015 opencv 3.2-dev opencv_contrib if you want to use CUDA you have to clone opencv repo too and build opencv using cmake There is no CUDA in pre-built binaries of OpenCV 3.2

in folder g:/lib

  1. git clone
  2. git clone
  3. run cmakegui
  4. Where is source code = g:/lib/opencv
  5. Where to build binaries =g:/lib/opencv/build
  6. select generator Visual Studio 14 2015 win64 press configure
  7. in CMake gui set OPENCv_EXTRA_MODULE_PATH to g:/lib/opencv_contrib/modules
  8. you can set OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE if you want SURF, SIFT... good idea is too set BUILD_EXAMPLES to true
  9. You can disable BUILD_TESTS and BUILD_PERF_TESTS
  10. WITH CUDA should be on if you have install CUDA and and CUDA card.
  11. Set CUDA ARCH_BIN. If you have 2.0 3.0 3.5 3.7... It take 4 hours to build opencv or more...Use only one arch.
  12. press generate and no error (I hope so)

open.sln project should be in g:/lib/opencv/build open and generate. If you have doxygen it is quite long ...You can install opencv if you like

Now for your own project if you run cmake without installing opencv you have to set manually OPENCV_DIR to g:/lib/opencv/build