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As seen here you can call the function with a mask. Be sure that the mask only contains 0 and 1 values and is thus a binary image.

So your code should look like

cv::add(src1, src2, dst, mask);

If your openCV does not accept this, then please download the latest version. This does support the function.

As seen here you can call the function with a mask. Be sure that the mask only contains 0 and 1 values and is thus a binary image.

So your code should look like

cv::add(src1, src2, dst, mask);

If your openCV does not accept this, then please download the latest version. This does support the function.

EDIT: I have tested it inside my VS2012 which links to the OpenCV2.4.5 and the argument list is supported as seen in the figure below.

image description