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Download opencv 3.2

You have to :

  1. Download opencv 3.2 3.2
  2. git clone
  3. run cmake give opencv path
  4. if you use VS2015 disable cuda (in build and with cmake variables)
  5. give path to opencv_contrib/modules (where you clone it and don't forget modules)
  6. generate
  7. open project if you have vs and build solution (drink a coffee)

image description

Now build face sample in opencv_contrib

  1. run cmake
  2. fill all field like this

image description

build project and no errors...

You have to :

  1. Download opencv 3.2 unzip it (in C:\Users\Laurent.PC-LAURENT-VISI\Downloads\ on my computer)
  2. git clone ( in g:/lib on my computer)
  3. run cmake GUI. give opencv pathpath in where is source file (C:\Users\Laurent.PC-LAURENT-VISI\Downloads\opencv/sources
  4. press configure
  5. if you use VS2015 disable cuda (in build (12 check box)and with_cuda and with cmake variables)withcufft )
  6. give path to opencv_contrib/modules (where you clone it and don't forget modules)modules g:/lib/opencv_contrib/modules)
  7. generate
  8. open project if you have vs and build solution (drink a coffee)

image description

Now build face sample in opencv_contrib

  1. run cmakecmake
  2. where is the source code = G:/Lib/opencv_contrib/modules/face/samples
  3. where to build binaries = C:/Users/Laurent.PC-LAURENT-VISI/Downloads/opencv/sources/samples
  4. fill all field like this
  5. cmake cannot find opencv : give path C:\Users\Laurent.PC-LAURENT-VISI\Downloads\opencv\sources in cmake variables OpenCV_DIR

image description

build project and no errors...

You have to :

  1. Download opencv 3.2 unzip it (in C:\Users\Laurent.PC-LAURENT-VISI\Downloads\ on my computer)
  2. git clone ( in g:/lib on my computer)
  3. run cmake GUI. give opencv path in where is source file (C:\Users\Laurent.PC-LAURENT-VISI\Downloads\opencv/sources
  4. press configure
  5. if you use VS2015 disable cuda (in build (12 check box)and with_cuda and withcufft )
  6. give path to opencv_contrib/modules (where you clone it and don't forget modules g:/lib/opencv_contrib/modules)
  7. generate
  8. open project if you have vs and build solution (drink a coffee)

image description

Now build face sample in opencv_contrib

  1. run cmake cmakeGUI
  2. where is the source code = G:/Lib/opencv_contrib/modules/face/samples
  3. where to build binaries = C:/Users/Laurent.PC-LAURENT-VISI/Downloads/opencv/sources/samples
  4. fill all field like this
  5. cmake cannot find opencv : give path C:\Users\Laurent.PC-LAURENT-VISI\Downloads\opencv\sources in cmake variables OpenCV_DIR

image description

build project and no errors...