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A novel approach for accurate localisation of the pupils in real time is proposed in this paper:

Timm and Barth. Accurate eye centre localisation by means of gradients. In Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (VISAPP), volume 1, pages 125-130, Algarve, Portugal, 2011. INSTICC.

(also see youtube video at Accurate eye center localisation for low-cost eye tracking)

There is also a github repository that implements this paper: C++ implementation And a blog article

  1. A novel approach for accurate localisation of the pupils in real time is proposed in this paper:

    paper: Timm and Barth. Accurate eye centre localisation by means of gradients. In Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (VISAPP), volume 1, pages 125-130, Algarve, Portugal, 2011. INSTICC.

    INSTICC. (also see youtube video at Accurate eye center localisation for low-cost eye tracking)

    ) There is also a github repository that implements this paper: C++ implementation And a blog article

  2. You can use this paper also to locate the position of the eyes. Bolme, D.S. "Average of Synthetic Exact Filters", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. PDF, Source code

  3. Another approach is to use a facial landmark detector. It will return you the four corner points of the eyes, corner of mouth, center of nose, and center of face. It does however require you to give it a bounding box of the face. You can use the four corner points of the eyes to reduce the region of interesting in order to find de pupils. project page PDF