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you could try with a

Mat(80, 90, CV_32FC(9)); // a Mat with 9 channels !
typedef Vec<9,float> Vec9f; // an element of this

Vec9f &p =<Vec9f>(4,4); 
p[7] = 1.2f;

and rather try to abandon your float*** gradientStrengths in favor of this.

you could try with a

Mat(80, 90, CV_32FC(9)); // a Mat with 9 channels !
! (you can have up to 512 here)
typedef Vec<9,float> Vec9f; // an element of this

Vec9f &p =<Vec9f>(4,4); 
p[7] = 1.2f;

and rather try to abandon your float*** gradientStrengths in favor of this.