1 | initial version |
Yes it's a bug. Now you can make an issue. You ca attached this source file :
static void magSpectrums(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst) { Mat src = _src.getMat(); int depth = src.depth(), cn = src.channels(), type = src.type(); int rows = src.rows, cols = src.cols; int j, k;
CV_Assert(type == CV_32FC1 || type == CV_32FC2 || type == CV_64FC1 || type == CV_64FC2);
if (src.depth() == CV_32F)
_dst.create(src.rows, src.cols, CV_32FC1);
_dst.create(src.rows, src.cols, CV_64FC1);
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
dst.setTo(0);//Mat elements are not equal to zero by default!
bool is_1d = (rows == 1 || (cols == 1 && src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous()));
if (is_1d)
cols = cols + rows - 1, rows = 1;
int ncols = cols*cn;
int j0 = cn == 1;
int j1 = ncols - (cols % 2 == 0 && cn == 1);
if (depth == CV_32F)
const float* dataSrc = src.ptr<float>();
float* dataDst = dst.ptr<float>();
size_t stepSrc = src.step / sizeof(dataSrc[0]);
size_t stepDst = dst.step / sizeof(dataDst[0]);
if (!is_1d && cn == 1)
for (k = 0; k < (cols % 2 ? 1 : 2); k++)
if (k == 1)
dataSrc += cols - 1, dataDst += cols - 1;
dataDst[0] = dataSrc[0] * dataSrc[0];
if (rows % 2 == 0)
dataDst[(rows - 1)*stepDst] = dataSrc[(rows - 1)*stepSrc] * dataSrc[(rows - 1)*stepSrc];
for (j = 1; j <= rows - 2; j += 2)
dataDst[j*stepDst] = (float)std::sqrt((double)dataSrc[j*stepSrc] * dataSrc[j*stepSrc] +
(double)dataSrc[(j + 1)*stepSrc] * dataSrc[(j + 1)*stepSrc]);
if (k == 1)
dataSrc -= cols - 1, dataDst -= cols - 1;
for (; rows--; dataSrc += stepSrc, dataDst += stepDst)
if (is_1d && cn == 1)
dataDst[0] = dataSrc[0] * dataSrc[0];
if (cols % 2 == 0)
dataDst[j1] = dataSrc[j1] * dataSrc[j1];
for (j = j0; j < j1; j += 2)
dataDst[j] = (float)std::sqrt((double)dataSrc[j] * dataSrc[j] + (double)dataSrc[j + 1] * dataSrc[j + 1]);
const double* dataSrc = src.ptr<double>();
double* dataDst = dst.ptr<double>();
size_t stepSrc = src.step / sizeof(dataSrc[0]);
size_t stepDst = dst.step / sizeof(dataDst[0]);
if (!is_1d && cn == 1)
for (k = 0; k < (cols % 2 ? 1 : 2); k++)
if (k == 1)
dataSrc += cols - 1, dataDst += cols - 1;
dataDst[0] = dataSrc[0] * dataSrc[0];
if (rows % 2 == 0)
dataDst[(rows - 1)*stepDst] = dataSrc[(rows - 1)*stepSrc] * dataSrc[(rows - 1)*stepSrc];
for (j = 1; j <= rows - 2; j += 2)
dataDst[j*stepDst] = std::sqrt(dataSrc[j*stepSrc] * dataSrc[j*stepSrc] +
dataSrc[(j + 1)*stepSrc] * dataSrc[(j + 1)*stepSrc]);
if (k == 1)
dataSrc -= cols - 1, dataDst -= cols - 1;
for (; rows--; dataSrc += stepSrc, dataDst += stepDst)
if (is_1d && cn == 1)
dataDst[0] = dataSrc[0] * dataSrc[0];
if (cols % 2 == 0)
dataDst[j1] = dataSrc[j1] * dataSrc[j1];
for (j = j0; j < j1; j += 2)
dataDst[j] = std::sqrt(dataSrc[j] * dataSrc[j] + dataSrc[j + 1] * dataSrc[j + 1]);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Mat img_gray = (Mat_<double>(7, 7) << 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 3, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 32, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Mat dst,dstmag,C; dft(img_gray,dst, DFT_REAL_OUTPUT); cout<<dst<<"\n"; magspectrums2(dst,="" dstmag);="" cout="" <<="" dstmag="" <<="" "\n";="" }<="" p="">
results :
[91, -61.63472896073699, -34.88832597398297, 11.00381187631017, 23.18032144561113, 5.130917084426835, 10.78088161567718; -79.27437524333573, 46.39923994314788, 24.99073220976408, -13.16493292356233, -2.875798188950187, 17.00825525377055, -19.80872293253553; -3.465827909609736, -22.95419807523526, -5.848067168416643, 14.03408882148513, -19.64791112908571, -36.02086931060224, 25.02980993212081; 50.63973729010014, -0.6313910288281832, -14.4528792974728, -14.02459017941099, 37.36465232426451, 48.066671235367, -25.08331899656442; 0.9537034740022036, 23.11153972637843, 27.59590549379765, 10.76784891431971, -45.62384962092409, -50.42471662106156, 19.95865199940767; -16.86536204676441, -44.98366507435955, -33.36161345721872, -3.268486848572098, 44.84668396036388, 42.5533931971839, -10.99753539452452; 4.102253842053943, 60.69320346963365, 35.96424819352938, -5.347739660569584, -37.24409879127953, -26.31365083908447, 0.12023377641879] [8281, 70.82397265990102, 0, 25.65952412129041, 0, 11.93958619628459, 0; 79.35010102904866, 52.70129185970634, 0, 13.47537287445006, 0, 26.10873897750277, 0; 0, 23.68744601858644, 0, 24.14531136236979, 0, 43.86336069123728, 0; 50.64871709260446, 14.46666425333092, 0, 39.90997836398306, 0, 54.21787321107557, 0; 0, 35.99551733961577, 0, 46.87731033745762, 0, 54.23098593929324, 0; 17.35710009054185, 56.0047085162581, 0, 44.96563208184722, 0, 43.95153077365971, 0; 0, 70.54850881154138, 0, 37.62607093827123, 0, 26.31392552703308, 0]
8281 should be 91. Now bug means when there is tiny shift between your image phaseCorrelate could give you a small shift...
2 | No.2 Revision |
Yes it's a bug. Now you can make an issue. You ca attached this source file :
static void magSpectrums(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst)
CV_Assert(type == CV_32FC1 || type == CV_32FC2 || type == CV_64FC1 || type == CV_64FC2);
if (src.depth() == CV_32F)
_dst.create(src.rows, src.cols, CV_32FC1);
_dst.create(src.rows, src.cols, CV_64FC1);
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
dst.setTo(0);//Mat elements are not equal to zero by default!
bool is_1d = (rows == 1 || (cols == 1 && src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous()));
if (is_1d)
cols = cols + rows - 1, rows = 1;
int ncols = cols*cn;
int j0 = cn == 1;
int j1 = ncols - (cols % 2 == 0 && cn == 1);
if (depth == CV_32F)
const float* dataSrc = src.ptr<float>();
float* dataDst = dst.ptr<float>();
size_t stepSrc = src.step / sizeof(dataSrc[0]);
size_t stepDst = dst.step / sizeof(dataDst[0]);
if (!is_1d && cn == 1)
for (k = 0; k < (cols % 2 ? 1 : 2); k++)
if (k == 1)
dataSrc += cols - 1, dataDst += cols - 1;
dataDst[0] = dataSrc[0] * dataSrc[0];
if (rows % 2 == 0)
dataDst[(rows - 1)*stepDst] = dataSrc[(rows - 1)*stepSrc] * dataSrc[(rows - 1)*stepSrc];
for (j = 1; j <= rows - 2; j += 2)
dataDst[j*stepDst] = (float)std::sqrt((double)dataSrc[j*stepSrc] * dataSrc[j*stepSrc] +
(double)dataSrc[(j + 1)*stepSrc] * dataSrc[(j + 1)*stepSrc]);
results :
[91, -61.63472896073699, -34.88832597398297, 11.00381187631017, 23.18032144561113, 5.130917084426835, 10.78088161567718;
-79.27437524333573, 46.39923994314788, 24.99073220976408, -13.16493292356233, -2.875798188950187, 17.00825525377055, -19.80872293253553;
-3.465827909609736, -22.95419807523526, -5.848067168416643, 14.03408882148513, -19.64791112908571, -36.02086931060224, 25.02980993212081;
50.63973729010014, -0.6313910288281832, -14.4528792974728, -14.02459017941099, 37.36465232426451, 48.066671235367, -25.08331899656442;
0.9537034740022036, 23.11153972637843, 27.59590549379765, 10.76784891431971, -45.62384962092409, -50.42471662106156, 19.95865199940767;
-16.86536204676441, -44.98366507435955, -33.36161345721872, -3.268486848572098, 44.84668396036388, 42.5533931971839, -10.99753539452452;
4.102253842053943, 60.69320346963365, 35.96424819352938, -5.347739660569584, -37.24409879127953, -26.31365083908447, 0.12023377641879]
[8281, 70.82397265990102, 0, 25.65952412129041, 0, 11.93958619628459, 0;
79.35010102904866, 52.70129185970634, 0, 13.47537287445006, 0, 26.10873897750277, 0;
0, 23.68744601858644, 0, 24.14531136236979, 0, 43.86336069123728, 0;
50.64871709260446, 14.46666425333092, 0, 39.90997836398306, 0, 54.21787321107557, 0;
0, 35.99551733961577, 0, 46.87731033745762, 0, 54.23098593929324, 0;
17.35710009054185, 56.0047085162581, 0, 44.96563208184722, 0, 43.95153077365971, 0;
0, 70.54850881154138, 0, 37.62607093827123, 0, 26.31392552703308, 8281 should be 91. Now bug means when there is tiny shift between your image phaseCorrelate could give you a small shift...
3 | No.3 Revision |
Yes it's a bug. Now you can make an issue. You ca attached issue and attach this source file :
static void magSpectrums(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst)
copy of https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/modules/imgproc/src/phasecorr.cpp#L43-L154
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Mat img_gray = (Mat_<double>(7, 7) <<
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 28, 3, 12, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 32, 11, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Mat dst,dstmag,C;
dft(img_gray,dst, DFT_REAL_OUTPUT);
magSpectrums(dst, dstmag);
cout << dstmag << "\n";
results :
[91, -61.63472896073699, -34.88832597398297, 11.00381187631017, 23.18032144561113, 5.130917084426835, 10.78088161567718;
-79.27437524333573, 46.39923994314788, 24.99073220976408, -13.16493292356233, -2.875798188950187, 17.00825525377055, -19.80872293253553;
-3.465827909609736, -22.95419807523526, -5.848067168416643, 14.03408882148513, -19.64791112908571, -36.02086931060224, 25.02980993212081;
50.63973729010014, -0.6313910288281832, -14.4528792974728, -14.02459017941099, 37.36465232426451, 48.066671235367, -25.08331899656442;
0.9537034740022036, 23.11153972637843, 27.59590549379765, 10.76784891431971, -45.62384962092409, -50.42471662106156, 19.95865199940767;
-16.86536204676441, -44.98366507435955, -33.36161345721872, -3.268486848572098, 44.84668396036388, 42.5533931971839, -10.99753539452452;
4.102253842053943, 60.69320346963365, 35.96424819352938, -5.347739660569584, -37.24409879127953, -26.31365083908447, 0.12023377641879]
[8281, 70.82397265990102, 0, 25.65952412129041, 0, 11.93958619628459, 0;
79.35010102904866, 52.70129185970634, 0, 13.47537287445006, 0, 26.10873897750277, 0;
0, 23.68744601858644, 0, 24.14531136236979, 0, 43.86336069123728, 0;
50.64871709260446, 14.46666425333092, 0, 39.90997836398306, 0, 54.21787321107557, 0;
0, 35.99551733961577, 0, 46.87731033745762, 0, 54.23098593929324, 0;
17.35710009054185, 56.0047085162581, 0, 44.96563208184722, 0, 43.95153077365971, 0;
0, 70.54850881154138, 0, 37.62607093827123, 0, 26.31392552703308, 0]
8281 should be 91. Now bug means when there is tiny shift between your image phaseCorrelate could give you a small shift...
4 | No.4 Revision |
Yes it's a bug. Now you can make an issue and attach this source file :
static void magSpectrums(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst)
copy of https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/modules/imgproc/src/phasecorr.cpp#L43-L154
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Mat img_gray = (Mat_<double>(7, 7) <<
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 28, 3, 12, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 32, 11, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Mat dst,dstmag,C;
dft(img_gray,dst, DFT_REAL_OUTPUT);
magSpectrums(dst, dstmag);
cout << dstmag << "\n";
results :
[91, -61.63472896073699, -34.88832597398297, 11.00381187631017, 23.18032144561113, 5.130917084426835, 10.78088161567718;
-79.27437524333573, 46.39923994314788, 24.99073220976408, -13.16493292356233, -2.875798188950187, 17.00825525377055, -19.80872293253553;
-3.465827909609736, -22.95419807523526, -5.848067168416643, 14.03408882148513, -19.64791112908571, -36.02086931060224, 25.02980993212081;
50.63973729010014, -0.6313910288281832, -14.4528792974728, -14.02459017941099, 37.36465232426451, 48.066671235367, -25.08331899656442;
0.9537034740022036, 23.11153972637843, 27.59590549379765, 10.76784891431971, -45.62384962092409, -50.42471662106156, 19.95865199940767;
-16.86536204676441, -44.98366507435955, -33.36161345721872, -3.268486848572098, 44.84668396036388, 42.5533931971839, -10.99753539452452;
4.102253842053943, 60.69320346963365, 35.96424819352938, -5.347739660569584, -37.24409879127953, -26.31365083908447, 0.12023377641879]
[8281, 70.82397265990102, 0, 25.65952412129041, 0, 11.93958619628459, 0;
79.35010102904866, 52.70129185970634, 0, 13.47537287445006, 0, 26.10873897750277, 0;
0, 23.68744601858644, 0, 24.14531136236979, 0, 43.86336069123728, 0;
50.64871709260446, 14.46666425333092, 0, 39.90997836398306, 0, 54.21787321107557, 0;
0, 35.99551733961577, 0, 46.87731033745762, 0, 54.23098593929324, 0;
17.35710009054185, 56.0047085162581, 0, 44.96563208184722, 0, 43.95153077365971, 0;
0, 70.54850881154138, 0, 37.62607093827123, 0, 26.31392552703308, 0]
8281 should be 91. Now bug means when there is tiny a shift between your image phaseCorrelate could give you a small shift...bias when gaussian centroid is calculated