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unfortunately, there is no such thing.

(to even use opencv3' face recognition, you would have to re-build your android sdk with, and enable the java wrappers in the face module by adding "java" to the 1st line in cmakelists.txt)

idk, what you need the facerecognition for, depending on your use-case, maybe we can find an alternative solution (e.g. putting it on a server, simply "roll-your-own", use some service, etc.)

unfortunately, there is no such thing.

(to even use opencv3' face recognition, you would have to re-build your android sdk with, and enable the java wrappers in the face module by adding "java" to the 1st line in cmakelists.txt)

idk, what you need the facerecognition for, depending on your use-case, maybe we can find an alternative solution (e.g. putting it on a server, simply "roll-your-own", use some service, etc.)