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initial version

currently, your code does not handle the sperating commas correctly, also, push_back() produces a single row Mat.

try like this:

std::ifstream file("img1.txt");

Mat depthImg;
int rows = 0;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {  

    std::istringstream stream(line);

    char sep; //comma!
    double x;
    while (stream >> x && stream >> sep) {

    rows ++;

// reshape to 2d:
depthImg = depthImg.reshape(1,rows);

currently, your code does not handle the sperating commas correctly, also, push_back() produces a single row Mat.

try like this:

std::ifstream file("img1.txt");

Mat depthImg;
int rows = 0;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {  

    std::istringstream stream(line);

    char sep; //comma!
    double x;
    // read *both* a number and a comma:
    while (stream >> x && stream >> sep) {

    rows ++;

// reshape to 2d:
depthImg = depthImg.reshape(1,rows);

currently, your code does not handle the sperating seperating commas correctly, also, push_back() produces a single row Mat.

try like this:

std::ifstream file("img1.txt");

Mat depthImg;
int rows = 0;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {  

    std::istringstream stream(line);

    char sep; //comma!
    double x;
    // read *both* a number and a comma:
    while (stream >> x && stream >> sep) {

    rows ++;

// reshape to 2d:
depthImg = depthImg.reshape(1,rows);