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You are right. I neither find a copy constructor (see modules/ml/include/opencv2/ml/ml.hpp), nor is the operator= is implemented.

The best approach to copying a model seems to be saving it first. Sounds like a feature request to me. :)

You are right. I neither find a copy constructor (see modules/ml/include/opencv2/ml/ml.hpp), nor is the operator= is implemented.

The best approach to copying a model seems to be saving it first.

Sounds like a feature request request to me. :)

You are right. I neither find a copy constructor (see modules/ml/include/opencv2/ml/ml.hpp), nor is the operator= is implemented. The best approach I'd like to copying a model seems to be saving it first. correct my answer, if possible: indeed the implicitly generated copy constructor should work.

Sounds like a feature request to me. :)

You are right. I neither find a copy constructor (see modules/ml/include/opencv2/ml/ml.hpp), nor is the operator= is implemented. I'd like to correct my answer, if possible: answer and thanks to Michael for pointing out: indeed the implicitly generated copy constructor should, should have thought of in the first place.